A social tariff for water
Government urged to ‘fix postcode lottery’ in water bill support.
California’s Big Oil lawsuit
‘The people of California deserve their day in court to hold Big Oil accountable’, Center for Climate Integrity says.
UK gender pay gap
The UK’s gender pay gap grows wider for first time since 2021.
Government off track to improve nature
This government has the chance to get on track to meet legal environmental commitments – but the window of opportunity is closing fast, warns OEP.
A race for nature
MPs join ex-Olympians in Thames boat race ahead of landmark climate vote.
Hunter-gatherers & plant foods
Researchers reveal ancient dietary habits and early human use of plant foods.
Diet & identity
Veganuary can transform attitudes and self-identity related to meat consumption.
OEP launches Defra investigation
Suspected failure by Defra to take the necessary measures to achieve Good Environmental Status of marine waters.
‘Pesticides buzz off’
More than 1.6 million people call for a ban on bee-killing pesticides.