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Earth Hour 2019

Tonight, you can raise cash for WWF when you turn your lights out for Earth Hour
Earth Hour 2019

To celebrate Earth Hour tonight (30 March, 20.30), Octopus Energy is challenging thousands of customers with smart meters to halve their electricity consumption between 20.30 and 21.30.

In a first-of-its-kind initiative, Octopus Energy will make a £5 charitable donation to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on behalf of every smart metered customer who halves their domestic consumption during 2019’s Earth Hour.

‘Millions of households, venues and businesses around the world will ‘go dark’ this weekend in honour of Earth Hour. Using smart meter technology, we can help Octopus Energy customers make the most of the opportunity to do the same, and raise money for WWF. Reducing energy consumption is vital for safeguarding the planet, and its people and wildlife, for generations to come. We’re committed to a greener, sustainable future.’

Octopus Energy CEO

Eligible Octopus Energy customers will receive their usual electricity consumption for that hour, calculated using smart meter tech and based on the household’s average electricity consumption for the previous four Saturdays. They’ll be challenged to beat it by using less than half.

How it works

The process will be managed entirely through the smart metering network, so customers don’t need to submit any meter readings to Octopus Energy – they just need to pledge their support via an email sent on Friday 29 March 2019.

Customers can track how much electricity they’re using during Earth Hour via the in-home display on their smart meter; if they pledge to get involved via the email pledge button, a reminder will be sent to their smart meter before 20.30pm on Saturday.

Octopus Energy will email all customers before Earth Hour to let them know the figure to halve. Smart meter customers will be able to track how much they are using during Earth Hour. After Earth Hour, Octopus will email all participating customers to let them know how much money they have raised together.

While this initiative is for Octopus Energy smart meter customers only, Octopus have lots of other initiatives for all customers, like their Wheel of Fortune – a chance for customers to submit their meter readings for a chance to win up to £512 a month.

How to cut your energy

Small changes can make a big difference to your bills, and the planet. Customers can support the charity and reduce their usage by:

  • Turning off high consuming appliances, such as fan heaters, dishwashers, tumble dryers and power tools
  • Not cooking or heating water during Earth Hour
  • Turning off lights
  • Ensuring devices not in use are off at the socket, not on standby

Octopus Energy has partnered with WWF to raise awareness of the impact of human activity on the earth’s resources and wildlife. Donations will go directly to WWF.

Click here to find out how much you could save by switching to Octopus Energy.

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