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Preparing for SB60

June’s UN Climate Meetings begin tomorrow in Bonn, Germany
Aerial view of Bonn, the former capital of Germany

The June UN Climate Meetings – formally called the 60th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB60) – start tomorrow (03 June) in Bonn, Germany, where UN Climate Change is headquartered.
Building on the many mandates that emerged at COP28 in Dubai last year, the meetings from 03 to 13 June at the World Conference Center Bonn aim to drive progress on key issues and prepare decisions for adoption at the upcoming COP29 UN Climate Change Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November this year.

Topics on the agenda

National delegates and civil society representatives will make up a significant part of the 6,000 participants expected to attend the meetings. 

They will focus on critical issues such as climate finance, advancing progress on the next round of national climate action plans (or Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs), the timely submission of countries’ first Biennial Transparency Reports, work on National Adaptation Plans and accelerating climate action through a just transition, among other issues.

Climate action ahead of COP29

In concert with the High-Level Champions, the secretariat is organising a series of events to explore how businesses, cities, regions, Indigenous Peoples and civil society are working alongside governments to progress climate action ahead of COP29. 

Among many other speaking engagements, the executive secretary will deliver a key speech on 10 June on the importance of Biennial Transparency Report as enabling tools to support stronger climate actions.

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