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World’s first plastic-free day

Join millions around the world by ditching plastic for 24 hours on 05 June, World Environment Day
World’s first plastic-free day

A Plastic Planet and Sky Ocean Rescue have to come together to call for the world’s first One Plastic Free Day, asking millions of businesses, organisations and individuals around the world to ditch plastic for 24 hours on 05 June 2018 – World Environment Day.

The goal is to inspire the world to #PassOnPlastic and turn off the plastic tap.

Take action

Which plastic-packaged products make your blood boil? Sandwiches in indestructible plastic cartons? Water in plastic bottles? Coffee cup lids? Takeaway fruit in plastic tubs? Little plastic butter and jam pots? Plastic-lined cartons with plastic straws?

On 05 June millions of people all over the world will be giving up plastic-packaged food and drink packaging for 24 hours. The more people who take part, the stronger the call will be – if we all come together to reject plastic, we can be part of a new plastic-free generation.

The first step is to identify those plastic-laden food and drink products that we use every day.

Take a photo of the plastic-packaged food and drink products that you are giving up on 05 June, then post your photos on Twitter and Facebook with the message: ‘On 05 June let’s #PassOnPlastic. #OnePlasticFreeDay’.

A Plastic Planet

A Plastic Planet is a grassroots movement that launched in January 2017 with a single goal – to turn off the plastic tap. Its first public campaign asked supermarkets to give us, the shopper, a Plastic Free Aisle so we have the choice to buy food without plastic.

In February 2018 A Plastic Planet partnered with Ekoplaza in Amsterdam to launch the first viable and scalable Plastic Free Aisle. Carrying the A Plastic Planet Plastic Free trustmark, this aisle is an evolving example that shows supermarkets and industry what a plastic-free future can look like.

Click here to add your name to the call for supermarkets to introduce a plastic-free aisle.

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