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Are you saving the world?

P.E.A. Awards 2018 is scouring the planet for green superheroes – and we bet you know at least one
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
P.E.A. Awards 2018

Some superheroes wear their powers on their sleeves. Others are more like Clark Kent by day, and do all their secret heroic acts on their own time.

What we can say for sure is that the actions of individuals are helping to change the world for the better. Almost overnight, we decided to say no to single-use plastics – and the government and supermarkets have been forced to listen.

Whether you want to tell the world about your team’s tireless commitment to a sustainability project, or know someone who’s saving the world from a quiet garden shed, the P.E.A. Awards wants to hear from you.

A festival for superheroes

Now in its eighth year, the P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards, in association with Octopus Energy, is the UK’s leading sustainability awards. It honours the individuals and teams behind the products, services and businesses that are changing the face of our planet.

Across sectors ranging from money to the arts, the P.E.A. Awards identifies and rewards the green heroes who are taking matters into their own hands and providing inspiring alternatives to business as usual.

These sustainability pioneers are recognised and rewarded at an event packed with music, entertainment and plenty of great food and drink!

This year’s ceremony will be held at Valley Fest in Chew Magna, near Bristol, on 03 August. Those attending will be able to party all night long at the gorgeous festival for free.

How to enter

Entering the P.E.A. Awards is a free and straightforward process. You can enter yourself, nominate a friend, colleague or any other individual who has inspired you or put forward a team, a product or a business.

Multiple award categories can be entered with one online entry form. Click here to enter or nominate your green superhero! The closing date for entries is midnight, 03 July.

P.E.A. Awards 2018 categories

Sponsored by

If you’re a creative type using art to change the world – through music, film, fashion or any other medium – tell us what you’ve made and how you made it!

Sponsored by Yeo Valley

Parents (and kids) are reducing their family’s carbon footprint by changing the way they live. Have you had a green idea that’s completely off the wall or easy for others to copy? However bonkers, we want to know!

Sponsored by Octopus Energy

We’re looking for the individuals or teams at the helm of innovations or technologies that are helping to save power, reduce demand or generate clean energy.

Sponsored by Wyke Farms

Glorious food: how can it save a planet, a community or a business? Anyone tackling waste or improving production or addressing traceability in this industry should enter.

Sponsored by Weleda

The Green Pioneer Award will go to a person or group with an innovative green business idea that’s pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo and serving as an inspiration to us all.


We’re looking for Earth’s superheroes! Whether you’re saving the bees, birds or trees, the animals or the seas, now’s the time to step forward and be recognised.

Sponsored by Mongoose Crowd

Money makes the world go round – but which way do we want it to turn? Enter if you’re shaking up finance in a bank, community or on your own.


Is there a product you use, own, manufacture or distribute that will help us leave a better world for our children? If so, we want to know all about it and what it does, so we can tell everyone how and where to get it.

Whatever you’re doing in this sector – from helping us to travel more sustainably to running an eco-resort that’s a perfect green getaway – we want to hear from you.


Whether you’re a vegan campaigner or wear cruelty-free trainers, we want to hear what you’re doing to support the shift to plant-based lifestyles – in food, fashion and beyond!

Click here to submit your online entry to the P.E.A. Awards 2018. Good luck!

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