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Car-free travel made easy

How to visit the UK's best attractions on train, bike, bus or foot – and get up to 50% off when you arrive car-free
Snowdon Mountain Railway train

A new initiative has been launched to promote car-free travel to visitor attractions and venues in the UK.

Good Journey shows visitors how to get to some of the UK’s best attractions – including arts centres, historic houses, museums and zoos – by train, bus, bike and by foot from anywhere in the UK.

Directions and discounts

The new website offers step-by-step travel directions to the attractions and discounts of up to 50% for visitors who arrive via public transport, pedal power or on their own two feet.

The site also features itineraries to help visitors get the most from their day, ranging from the cultural capital of Edinburgh to Suffolk’s secret Shotley Peninsular.

Participating attractions are awarded the Good Journey Mark for welcoming car-free visitors.

‘One in four UK households doesn’t own a car. Good Journey is all about opening up access to leisure, culture and the countryside for everyone. We also believe that you see more when you travel car-free and get a real flavour of the places you’re visiting. The journey is time to relax – take in the view, sip a coffee, read a book, have a snooze – you can’t do that while driving!’

Founder and director of Good Journey

Enjoy a car-free journey

Good Journey’s mission is to encourage both tourists and UK residents to enjoy the UK’s best-loved attractions and landscapes, and enjoy the journey getting there.

The initiative is supported by leading UK transport and conservation groups including the Campaign for Better Transport, the Campaign to Protect Rural England, Cycling UK and Living Streets.

Click here for more information and to begin your next car-free adventure.

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