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Dying from Consumption

Join George Monbiot for a live Q&A on why consumerism is at the heart of our global crises
Dying from Consumption

Join LOVE IT TV for an evening with George Monbiot in association with Resurgence and The Ecologist, on 10 Feb 2021.

The evening (19.00-21.30) will include talks, music, video and a live Q&A with George Monbiot to educate, engage and entertain.

The evening will be hosted by Lulu Urquhart and include contributions from Mac Macartney, Tallulah Rendall, Mobius Loop and TreeSisters.

The crisis of consumerism

Covid has been the all-consuming topic of 2020. As we emerge from the pandemic, we will have a unique opportunity to reflect on how consumerism itself is at the heart of all our global crises.

It is essential that this issue is not lost in the ‘fog of war’ over Covid and party politics. It is not enough to resume ‘business as usual’ in the face of growing evidence that we must tackle global heating.

Addressing what and how much we consume is an urgent priority for individuals, corporations and governments in our response to the crisis of consumerism that threatens the planet.

Join George Monbiot on a live stream including a talk and interactive Q&A with the audience, music from Mobius Loop, singing from Tallulah Rendall, an animation from TreeSisters and a talk from author, speaker and facilitator Mac Macartney.

You can watch this interactive stream and pay anything from £5 to £25. Click here for tickets.


About George Monbiot

George is an author, Guardian columnist and environmental campaigner. His best-selling books include Feral: Rewilding the land, Sea and human life and Heat: how to stop the planet burning.

His latest book is Out of the Wreckage: a new politics for an age of crisis.

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