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Give Wildlife a Seat at the Table

Joanna Lumley, Peter Egan and Jo Brand join forces with International Animal Rescue for COP28
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Peeking orangutan portrait

For too long, the link between nature and climate has been missed and neglected. This needs to change.

International Animal Rescue’s (IAR’s) COP28 campaign, ‘Give Wildlife a Seat at the Table’, is being backed by a host of celebrities, including Joanna Lumley, Peter Egan and Jo Brand.

They are supporting IAR to reach a tough target of getting 10,000 people to call on world leaders to seriously consider the planet’s wildlife and the biodiversity crisis during the COP28 discussions.

‘COP28 is more important than ever. We are now at a critical moment in global climate action. COP28 follows a year of record-breaking temperatures across the planet and extreme weather events. For too long, the inextricable link between nature and climate has been missed, underutilised and neglected. This needs to change. It’s time for COP to ‘Give Wildlife a Seat at the Table.’

Chief Executive of International Animal Rescue

Creating sustainable ecosystems

COP28 will be a milestone moment – it will help keep alive the goal of limiting long-term global temperature rises to 1.5ºC.

International Animal Rescue’s nature-based solutions are vital in restoring and protecting precious ecosystems, animal rescue, protection and conservation. Nature and the planet’s precious biodiversity are critical for solving some of the planet’s biggest societal and environmental challenges.

The organisation’s vision is a world where humans and animals can thrive together in sustainable ecosystems. The many projects that fall under its IARconserves programme show that by working with nature, we can find sustainable, lasting solutions that positively impact people, animals and the environment.

IAR’s holistic approach not only prevents biodiversity loss but also contributes significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as part of the global climate solution.

This will help align the efforts on climate action, including measures that need to be implemented to bridge the gaps in progress – an action plan to use even less of the stuff that makes the Earth too hot. This will help us all do even better at protecting our planet!

A seat at the table

International Animal Rescue’s COP28 campaign, ‘Give Wildlife a Seat at the Table’, calls on world leaders to seriously consider our planet’s wildlife and the biodiversity crisis during the COP28 discussions. IAR has set a target of 10,000 signatures on the petition.

At COP28 world leaders will sit around the table and make decisions that will affect all of us – all the people, all the animals, all the forests – everything.  Is it right that wildlife does not have a voice at this table?

Click here to sign the petition to Give Wildlife a Seat at the Table at COP28

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