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Green gas

Green energy company Good Energy has launched a carbon neutral gas tariff to celebrate the signing of the UN Climate Change Agreement in New York this week.

How it works

6% of Good Energy’s ‘Green Gas’ comes from biomethane here in the UK.

Biomethane is produced when organic matter – everything from the leftovers of your dinner to industrial rubbish – is processed in an anaerobic digester (AD). These big AD tanks act like a massive stomach, ‘digesting’ the waste. What’s essential is that there’s no oxygen present when the digestion happens.

As it breaks down, the waste releases a gas: methane. It’s chemically exactly the same as the gas produced when plants, dinosaurs and other organic material rotted away in the ground millions of years ago – resulting in the pockets of natural gas that are drilled for today.
This means we can get gas to cook and heat our homes from the waste we don’t want.

To make it totally carbon neutral, emissions from the gas Good Energy’s customers use will be neutralised through verified carbon-reduction schemes that support local communities in Malawi, Vietnam and Nepal.

The new gas tariff is designed to make it easy for energy customers to take action against climate change.

A well-timed launch

Leaders from 130 countries will sign the agreement, made in Paris last December, at a ceremony in New York on 22 April. The agreement sets out measures to limit global temperature rise to no more than 2°C.

‘World leaders are making a huge promise in New York to take action against climate change. Emissions from energy are one of the biggest causes of global warming, and the simplest way to cut your footprint is by switching to renewable electricity and carbon neutral gas. We can all do something to drastically cut our reliance on fossil fuels right now.’

Good Energy founder

Good Energy’s new carbon neutral gas tariff complements the firm’s 100% renewable electricity supply. Together they give consumers a way to cut their personal carbon footprint by up to 50%.

‘The Paris climate conference was an historic event in achieving the unanimous agreement of 195 countries that we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

‘To have any chance of limiting global temperature rise to less than the 2°C agreed to represent a dangerous level we need to replace fossil fuels by low, or preferably zero, carbon sources as soon as possible. One way in which people can contribute to this is by switching to renewable energy suppliers.’

Co-Director of the Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at Imperial College London

Click here to find out more about Good Energy’s tariffs.

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