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Greenest current accounts

Triodos Bank UK earns new Which? Eco Provider award following research into Britain’s greenest current account providers
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Triodos Bank debit card being used for online banking

Triodos Bank UK has been named an Eco Provider by Which? Money in its first ever analysis of the environmental credentials of UK current accounts.
Triodos was recognised for having no exposure to fossil fuels and having clear, public environmental policies.

Which?, the UK’s most popular consumer association, recognised these factors as an important part of its Eco Provider assessment.

Fossil fuels and commodities

In a lengthy research process, Which? examined the claims of 13 of the UK’s leading current account providers, working with Reclaim Finance (a non-profit research organisation) to analyse fossil fuel policies – which were broadly found to be too weak – and statements on agricultural commodities such as beef, soy, timber and palm oil.
Which? found that ‘Triodos refuses to lend or invest in fossil fuel projects, and focuses its lending on renewable energy. Triodos excludes companies that mine coal, build coal plants, produce energy from fossil fuel power plants, or extract and produce oil and gas.’

‘Thank you to Which? as the UK’s consumer champion for the thorough research and analysis that they’ve completed looking at banks and sustainability. Their analysis did a good job of exposing some of the greenwashing that is rife in the banking sector. We need a banking system that is sustainable, transparent and diverse – and holding banks accountable through independent research, such as this plays a key role.’

CEO of Triodos Bank UK

Transparent banking with a positive impact

Which? researchers also considered transparency levels and whether banks had credible targets to reduce exposure to environmentally damaging sectors, and checked whether they publish independently verified data.

Triodos publishes information about every organisation that it lends to, so that customers can review each and every organisation in the Triodos lending and investment portfolios – transparency that is not available with any other UK bank.

‘We’re pleased to be recognised for our leading exclusion policies around fossil fuels and commodities, but it’s important to note that we also go beyond exclusion and actively look for positive impact. We only invest and lend the money deposited with us to organisations that are delivering positive change for people and planet.
‘The finance sector urgently needs to do what it takes to realise rapid and sustained global greenhouse gas emissions reduction. This means minimising the use of fossil fuels and not financing deforestation, but also building renewable energy capacity, improving energy efficiency and investing in nature’s recovery as soon as possible.’

CEO of Triodos Bank UK

Switching to an Eco Provider

This latest assessment from Which? follows its 2021 analysis of green savings options that scored Triodos Bank 92 out of 100, placing it top of the rankings overall.
Only three banks scored highly enough to earn the new Eco Provider badge. Which? also examined how banks plan to reach net zero and noted the Triodos 2035 target as one of the most advanced.

‘Consumers seeking to make more sustainable choices might want to consider switching banks if they are uncomfortable with their money being invested in the fossil fuel industry and other projects which could be damaging to the environment. 
‘By choosing one of Which?’s Eco Providers, customers can feel confident that their bank has impressive green credentials and steers clear of investing money in coal, oil or gas.’

Deputy editor of Which? Money

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