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How can individuals change the world?

At the People Powering Spirited Business event, ethical business pioneers were quizzed on love, daily practices, Trump and Brexit – all over a G&T
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
How can individuals change the world?

On 06 December, six pioneers of spirited business came together in a sold-out event, for a P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards session, in partnership with Future Planet, in London’s Mindspace.

‘Who rules the world? Governments? Big business? Or the people? We are 99 to 1. We can change this if we all collaborate.’

P.E.A. Awards founder and co-host of The People Powering Spirited Business

Up close and personal

P.E.A. Awards founder and co-host Jarvis Smith got up close and personal with the people behind the organisations that are leading the way for justice on our planet.

In a laid-back discussion designed to inspire tomorrow’s leaders, Jarvis asked these individuals – who govern spirited businesses, organisations and movements that are changing the world – how and why do they do what they do, what makes them different from other business leaders and what the rest of us learn can from them.

‘My industry is a very dirty one. It feels like we’re just getting started cleaning it up. But I’m very inspired to hold the space and meet the challenge.’

Founder of TJK Organic Hair

Juniper Green Organic Gin and Luscombe Tonic flowed, and the panel shared everything from the secrets to their success to their feelings about love and their thoughts about the future.

‘We’re at a point of breakdown – but we are also at a point of breakthrough. We are fundamentally interconnected. Let’s link up and lift each other up.’

Cosmologist, healer, futurist and author

The panel

  • Lord Stone of Blackheath, the man who brought mindfulness to the House of Lords
  • Rebecca Dibb-Simkin, marketing and product director at Octopus Energy
  • Jayn Sterland, managing director of Weleda UK
  • Jo Wood, organic beauty pioneer and founder of Jo Wood Organics
  • Dr Jude Currivan PhD, cosmologist, healer, futurist and author
  • Tabitha James Kraan, hair artist and founder of TJK Organic Hair

‘I started my own organic skincare business so I could tell women that it’s important what they put on their skin.’

Founder of Jo Wood Organic

Spirited Business

The event took place ahead of the Spirited Business event at Findhorn International Centre for Sustainability in 2019. The conference will bring together purpose-led, conscious business leaders to unravel what drives purpose and how business leaders can unlock systemic intelligence – or what we might call ‘spirit’ – to co-create the future together.

‘A Spirited Business is one that works in co-creation with the universe.’

Managing director of Weleda UK

‘As the P.E.A. Awards approaches its ninth year, it feels like the right moment to galvanise people for the emergency on planet Earth’, said Jarvis Smith.

‘The P.E.A.s honour individuals and teams for helping to save humanity, Nature and our planet. Along the way I have met the most incredible individuals – all working for a higher purpose in businesses that are spirited and game-changing’, he added.

For Jarvis, the aim of The People Powering Spirited Business P.E.A. session was to showcase ‘the wisdom, integrity, decision making, personality traits and heartfelt business models’ from the ‘brilliant’ panel of speakers’. ‘This will be the first of many events throughout the year until our main Awards in Oct 2019’, he said.

‘I want people who have that love in their hearts to be able to recognise each other in day-to-day life and talk frankly.’


Jarvis asked the panel whether they had a daily practice that kept them on track. This is how they responded.

  • ’35-40 minutes of meditation at 4am, go back to sleep’
  • ‘Breathe 30 breaths when I wake up’
  • ‘Love and thanks and blessings when I wake up’
  • ‘Get out in Nature every morning at 6am’
  • ‘100 sit-ups and 50 push-ups every day’
  • ‘At the end of the day, go through the day I’ve been through and give thanks I can even do that’
  • ‘Centre and connect before meetings’

‘Sustainability needs to be a part of everyday life. A green energy like Octopus Energy can deliver to its 500,000 customers – more.’

Marketing and product director at Octopus Energy

Quick-fire questions

As part of the discussion, Jarvis played a word association game with the panel. Here are their responses to the following words.


  • ‘Beautiful’
  • ‘Find a way’
  • ‘A way to change the world’
  • ‘Don’t eat anything that has a mummy and daddy’
  • ‘More tempting than it used to be’
  • ‘Hippy’


  • ‘Scottish!’
  • ‘Embarrassing’
  • ‘Should be speechless’
  • ‘A joke’
  • ‘Give him some love’
  • ‘He galvanised a movement and gave us something to fight against’


  • ‘It’s everything’
  • ‘The ultimate’
  • ‘My children’
  • ‘It’s everywhere’
  • ‘Commits us. Fear divides us’
  • ‘I have lots of love for everybody’
  • ‘I can give it but I can’t take it’


  • ‘F*cking waste of time’
  • ‘Hilarious’
  • ‘Terrifying’
  • ‘Desperate’
  • ‘Community and diversity’
  • ‘Bored of this word!’

‘If you’re not living and breathing it, you are a fake’

P.E.A. Awards founder and co-host of The People Powering Spirited Business

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