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Organic September

The Soil Association reveals its top of the swaps for Organic September
Organic September

For 2016’s Organic September, the Soil Association is showing how you can make a big difference by making small changes to your everyday shopping.

Choosing certified organic food means choosing higher animal welfare and more sustainable management of our natural environment, including reduced use of pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilisers.

Switching to organic

Here are five, simple reasons to choose organic this September and beyond:

  1. Reduce your exposure to potentially harmful pesticides
  2. Know what’s in your food
  3. Help combat climate change
  4. Help protect our wildlife
  5. Higher standards of animal welfare

Sounds good? Well, here are five tips for small changes to make a big difference:

  1. Switch to organic milk
  2. Eat less, but better, organic meat
  3. Switch to organic beauty
  4. Sign up for an organic veg box
  5. Brew an organic tea or coffee

Organic September recipes


You can also follow the action – and post your own – on social media with the #OrganicSeptember hashtag, and check out recipes and features on the Soil Association website.

Click here to find out more about Organic September.

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