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Permaculture Magazine Prize 2019

£25k prize fund to highlight the worldwide successes of the growing permaculture movement
Permaculture Magazine Prize 2019

The Permaculture Magazine Prize 2019 has launched with a fund of £25,000 – one main award of £10,000 and four runners up of £2,500 – donated by several generous benefactors. The aim of the prize, which is open to any permaculture project in the world, is to help transform communities and regenerate habitats.

The closing date for entries is 22 April 2019, 23:59 GMT and is also open to those who applied last year.

Youth in Permaculture

A £5,000 Youth in Permaculture Prize is also being launched, in collaboration with Abundant Earth Foundation, with £3,000 available for the main award and two runners up of £1,000.

This prize is open to anyone aged under 25 years of age.The winners will be announced in the pages of PM102, published 31st October 2019 and will be featured in following issues.

Millicent Anyango, 24, won the Youth In Permaculture Prize 2018 due to her leadership, selfless dedication and innovative use of permaculture. The award will be used to buy teaching materials and cooking equipment for the orphanage and street feeding programs. She will also employ more help for the gardens, Tabasamu children’s home, and the feeding programs. Millicent looks to continue her education in order to help teach more people ways to better their life through permaculture and food security.

Click here for information on the Youth in Permaculture Prize and how to enter.

Permaculture Magazine prize 2018

The launch of the Permaculture Magazine prize in 2018 saw 152 applications from around the world. The winner, Ghana Permaculture Institute (GPI), received the £10,000 award for its extraordinary work with its farming community and beyond.

GPI have to date trained 8,000 farmers in a range of skills including beekeeping, how to set up indigenous tree nurseries and food forests. They have established a micro-credit system for the community and go into schools to teach children how to grow food and farm mushrooms for added income.

They teach permaculture design and especially train women in backyard farming.’For us, this is not only an opportunity, but also a challenge to expand our network growth and to implement more sustainable projects that focus on empowering local communities through permaculture’, says Paul Yeboah from GPI.

‘In a time of global crisis, the world needs well designed, regenerative and inspiring examples of permaculture. We have established this prize to celebrate and support pioneering, best practice projects and tell their stories to shine a light in the darkness.”

Founders of Permaculture Magazine and Permanent Publications

Eligibility guidelines

Permaculture Magazine is looking for permaculture projects that are:

  • Regenerating damaged land
  • Enhancing habitat and biodiversity
  • Helping people to gain practical and community skills
  • Adding value to produce and developing local economies
  • Building community, creating social glue and greater economic resilience
  • Modelling new ways of cooperating and new cultural paradigms

Permaculture Magazine specifically wants to award money to permaculture projects that reach ordinary people and demonstrate best practice permaculture both in terms of ecological and socially/culturally innovative design.

Any project can apply if it has been functioning for at least three years and has established its place within its community. Please tell permaculture projects around the world about the prize.

Permaculture Magazine wants to hear from you, highlight your achievements to the world and help you in your next steps!

Online applications are now open – the Permaculture Magazine prize is free to enter here.

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