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Saving Sessions

Octopus’ customers are beating the price cap increase by reducing their energy use
Closeup of lady holding smart meter while enjoying a cup of tea in her kitchen

My Green Pod Hero Octopus Energy’s revolutionary ‘Saving Sessions’ demand flexibility scheme has saved customers the increase of the January price cap.

Customers that turn down their usage an average of 0.7kWh per session across all sessions will earn back enough to offset the £24 price cap rise.

Over 313,000 (26%) ‘Saving Sessions’ customers are expected to earn this amount before the end of this year’s demand flexibility service on 31st March.

£4m earned in 10 hours

‘Saving Sessions’ was the first consumer flexibility project to be announced after National Grid’s Demand Flexibility Scheme launched in November 2022.

Last year, more than 700,000 of Octopus’ smart meter customers signed up to turn down their energy usage, earning a combined £5.3 million over the course of last winter.

This year’s ‘Saving Sessions’ has already eclipsed the last. Over 1.2 million customers are now signed up and have already earned £4m in just 10 possible hours of activity.

‘With millions of our savvy customers enjoying cashback for reducing energy usage, more and more can beat the price cap in the depths of winter – while also helping the grid!  

‘Through ‘Saving Sessions’, smart tariffs and demand flexibility, we’re creating a brand new energy system that has customers benefiting at the heart. We’re imploring as many customers as possible to get involved and turn down as much as possible so that the price cap rising won’t seem so daunting.’

Chief product officer at Octopus Energy Group

Earning Octopoints

This year, customers are rewarded with ‘Octopoints’ as part of its recently announced rewards scheme, ‘Octoplus’.

The number of ‘Octopoints’ earned varies based on the specific event, and streak bonuses and prize draws are up for grabs for those participating in multiple sessions in a row.

The scheme has been so popular that Octopus is now launching similar versions to its French and American customers.

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