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The Global Catholic Climate Movement

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The Global Catholic Climate Movement – a group of almost 100 Catholic organisations working to respond to climate change – has announced a unique petition campaign to provide an easy way for Catholics to act and voice their concerns ahead of the United Nations COP21 climate summit at Paris in December.

The goal is to raise a strong Catholic voice demanding world leaders to commit to ambitious climate action, signing a meaningful treaty in Paris to tackle the climate change crisis.

‘On climate change, there is a clear, definitive and ineluctable ethical imperative to act.’

Pope Francis


The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) is a first-of-its-kind international coalition of Catholics from each continent representing a variety of Catholic organisations.

In part, the GCCM seeks to call attention to and support the work of all Catholic individuals and organisations that are engaged in climate-change related activities.

‘Can we remain indifferent before the problems associated with such realities as climate change? …A greater sense of intergenerational solidarity is urgently needed.’

Pope Benedict XVI

‘Urgency of climate action’

With the group’s greatly successful Lenten Fast for Climate Justice already underway -with thousands of people from 56 countries participating in a ‘relay style’ fast – the GCCM now seeks to continue to raise awareness within the Church and across the globe about the urgency of climate action. The petition is available online here

‘Climate change affects everyone, but especially the poor and most vulnerable people. Impelled by our Catholic faith, we call on you to drastically cut carbon emissions to keep the global temperature rise below the dangerous threshold of 1.5°C, and to aid the world’s poorest in coping with climate change impacts.’

GCCM petition

The GCCM invites Catholic individuals, parishes, and communities around the world to sign the petition and to collect signatures, by either promoting the petition online, embedding the petition in their websites or, if necessary, printing paper forms to collect signatures offline.

The petition comes at a time when the Catholic community is expecting Pope Francis’ encyclical about ecology, and is seen by the GCCM as one means to follow the Holy Father’s example and directive when he said, ‘On climate change there is a clear, definitive and ineluctable ethical imperative to act.’

Founded in 2014, the GCCM is an organisation of lay Catholics, clergy, and religious, scientists and activists, networking through new media to promote worldwide reflection, prayer and action on Catholic teaching on the care of God’s Creation. Further information on the GCCM can be found here.

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