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World Fair Trade Day

WFTO's search for people, products and initiatives making positive change through Fair Trade
India Picture from MyGreenPod Sustainable News

Today (09 May) marks World Fair Trade Day, and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) is on the lookout for Agents for Change from all over the world.

Everyone who is making a difference, who supports change and is interested in becoming an Agent for Change should take part in the celebration and be part of the change-making mission.

Fair Trade

WFTO’s World Fair Trade Day takes place on the second Saturday of May of each year. It’s an inclusive worldwide festival of events that celebrates Fair Trade as a tangible contribution to the fight against poverty and exploitation, climate change and the economic crisis – and that has the greatest impact on the world’s most vulnerable populations.

The global crisis confirms the need for a fair and sustainable economy locally and globally. Trade must benefit the most vulnerable and deliver sustainable livelihoods by developing opportunities for small and disadvantaged producers.

Millions of producers and traders, businesses and policy makers, supporting organisations and volunteers have contributed to the substantial growth of Fair Trade globally.

Purchasing power

Fair Trade is change. Fair Trade products and the people in the Fair Trade supply chain are making a difference every minute, every time a Fair Trade product is purchased. Backed by consumers who believe in their purchasing power, Fair Trade makes positive change every day.

‘Fair Trade is unstoppable. It’s a growing solution to fight poverty, social injustices and climate change. Many companies and organisation worldwide are embracing Fair Trade and sustainable practices because of the growing demand for a sustainable future for all of us. At WFTO alone, Fair Trade Organisations are growing with an overall sales turnover of over €430 million for 2014. And every month we are expanding as more and more organisations are joining the Fair Trade movement and the WFTO network.’

Rudi Dalvai, President of WFTO

Agents for Change

This year and in 2016 and 2017, WFTO will embark on a mission to invite more people, products, brands and organisations to be ‘Agents for Change.’

‘We are going to expose and uncover people, products or other initiatives that are making positive change through Fair Trade. The world is a diverse place, with countless initiatives for change taking place on the ground. We want to hear your stories. And we want other people to emulate your stories of change. Join us in our ‘Be an Agent for Change’ campaign and we will celebrate World Fair Trade Day with you on 9 May 2015.’

Natália Leal, Chief Executive of WFTO

Change makers from all over the world are invited to share their stories and bring families and friends along to join the campaign.

A webapp has been launched to help you bring your Agents out in the open. It’s a fun app that you can use to publicise your own Agents for Change. The social media ‘Share’ buttons can help you disseminate the information of your Agents to your own social network. It’s an easy and simple process:

  1. Select a picture of your Agent
  2. Upload it with brief information about your Agent
  3. Share it on your social media network

Get involved!

  • Use the web app and BE an Agent for Change
  • Share your photos on all your social media channels using hashtags #AgentChange #FairTrade and #WFTD2015
  • Ask your friends and family to support Fair Trade and be Agents for Change
  • Organise a World Fair Trade Day event in your community and publicise your event here
  • Be a Fair Trade consumer for life

Click here to find out more about the WFTO’s World Fair Trade Day 2015 and how you can get involved.

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