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Zero Mkt London

London gets set to welcome its first ever vegan, zero-waste market
Zero Mkt London

Tomorrow (29 September), the beautiful palm-filled Conservatory at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Kensington will be packed with product that contain zero animal products and zero single-use plastics – and that leave zero waste. Everything will be edible, reusable, recyclable or compostable.

Between 10.00 and 17.00, guests will be able to explore an array of stalls featuring everything from vegan food and drink to eco lifestyle products and sustainable clothes.

Changing habits and perspectives

The market’s founders, Abigail Penny and James Morgan, are describing the event as ‘a celebration, where together we can bask in plant-based goodness, explore sustainable products and begin to live more consciously.’

When asked what inspired them to set up the event, they added. ‘As consumers we can choose to have a positive impact on this world. We’re on a journey of discovery ourselves and want to share our experience with others.

‘Animal agriculture, non-recyclable plastics and throwaway fashion each have devastating impacts on our environment, so we hope that by bringing exciting alternatives to our community we can empower and equip others to change their habits and perspectives, too!’

Local vegan food

In keeping with the theme of the market, stallholders have been asked to try to source their products locally, where possible, and minimise the use of plastics along the chain.

Recycling and compost bins will be available on the day, and there will be a bar serving alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.

Redistributing surplus food

Zero Mkt London has partnered with City Harvest, which will redistribute surplus food to London’s homeless community and any profit will be donated to Animal Equality, a leading animal protection organisation.

Zero Mkt London’s founders recognise that many stallholders will need to travel to the venue, so they will be planting trees as part of a carbon offsetting mission.

Click here to visit EventBrite and buy your ticket to Zero Mkt London (£3.83).

Click here for more about the UK’s ‘overwhelming’ public response to plastic pollution.

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