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50% renewables in Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon announces £43m investment in low-carbon infrastructure projects
Wind turbines in the Scottish Borders

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that 50% of all Scotland’s energy should be derived from renewable sources by 2030.

Details of how more than £43 million will be shared across 13 low-carbon infrastructure projects throughout Scotland were announced at the All Energy Conference in Glasgow on Wednesday (10 May).

‘necessary and achievable’

The investment represents one of the largest direct energy investments in the last 10 years. The funding, awarded by the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP), will be matched by a minimum of £43 million from private and public sector partners.

‘We’re delighted to hear the First Minister reaffirm her government’s commitment to meeting half of Scotland’s energy needs from renewable sources by 2030. Choosing the iconic All Energy Conference to make the announcement sends a strong message to business and industry, both here and globally, that renewables are at the heart of Scotland’s economic policy and that Scotland plans to expand its amazing progress on renewable electricity into the heat and transport sectors.’

Acting director of WWF Scotland

Dr Sam Gardner, acting director of WWF Scotland, noted the ‘many social and economic benefits’ to be gained from a transformation in the way we heat our homes and offices, how we travel to work and school and how we power our industries will generate.

Dr Gardner added that generating half our energy from renewables by 2030 is ‘both necessary and achievable’, and that the projects set to receive funding are a clear signal of the economic opportunities the transition to a zero carbon future offers Scotland.

Projects to receive funding

Projects targeted for investment include an innovative local energy system on Fair Isle, an energy storage project in Shetland, low-carbon heat networks in Dundee, Stirling, Clydebank and Glenrothes and the installation of a heat pump on the River Clyde to serve the Gorbals area.

Nicola Sturgeon stated that these projects ‘have great potential to help us tackle climate change, and remain at the forefront of low carbon and renewable innovation’ as well as bringing economic benefits to local areas across the country.

‘Scotland has some of the most ambitious emissions reduction targets in the world. Over the past 10 years, our pattern of energy consumption has changed considerably, helping us to meet – and exceed – our 2020 target for reducing energy consumption, six years early.

‘We are determined to build on this success, and we are now seeking views on a new target through our draft Energy Strategy – for 50% of our energy consumption – spanning heat, transport and electricity – to be met by renewables by 2030.

‘With Scotland’s world-leading expertise in renewables, which employs at least 11,000 people, and a growing workforce of at least 58,000 in the low carbon sector, I am confident of our future success.’

Scotland’s First Minister

Click here for more information on all the projects set to receive funding.

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