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A clean heating revolution

Octopus has already paid its customers £100m – and now it’s giving £100 for a heat pump referral
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Heat pump installed outside a home

Today (02 April), Octopus Energy has launched the UK’s first heat pump and solar referral scheme to further drive the rollout of clean heating devices and help deliver net zero.

Since launching to the market, Octopus has paid out nearly £100 million in referrals to customers – money going straight into people’s pockets rather than energy switching sites.

The sum has been shared between satisfied customers recommending Octopus and new customers who have signed up with the UK’s most awarded energy company.  

The payout to customers will rocket even further as the firm launches its new heat pump and solar referral offer.

Refer a friend for £100

Anyone who gets a heat pump or solar system installation from Octopus can refer friends and family for their own heat pump or solar power installation.

Those referring will pocket £100, while those having the tech installed will get a £100 discount on the fitting. 

Those who are Octopus Energy retail customers can get a £100 credit on their account while others will receive a widely-accepted e-voucher of the same value.

‘Nothing makes us happier than satisfied customers, and we’re incredibly proud that so many have referred us to their friends and family over the years.

‘Our approach has always been to put money back into people’s pockets, and we’ll happily give away another £100 million in referrals as savvy customers take advantage of our heat pump offer – and help speed up the clean heating revolution along the way.’

Chief product officer at Octopus Energy

Demand for heat pumps

The news comes as the government announces a significant surge in demand for heat pumps, with applications for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme grant increasing by 75% in February compared with the same period last year.

Heat pumps are cheaper to install than gas boilers; Octopus Energy heat pump prices start at £500, including the £7,500 Boiler Upgrade Scheme grant.

By switching to a specialist heat pump tariff like ‘Cosy Octopus’, households can save £222 a year compared with running a boiler, according to Octopus data.

Octopus has built its reputation on excellent customer service and has received Which?’s Recommended Provider status an unprecedented seven times in a row.

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