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A global energy marketplace

This new platform will unlock renewable energy opportunities for corporate buyers
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
A global energy marketplace

A new renewable energy marketplace has been launched to allow large and medium energy users all round the world to source and buy clean energy.

A clean energy ecosystem

RE-search, launched by London-based tech company The Ecompany Ltd, is a global marketplace that will help to digitalise the renewable energy industry.

It will open up new opportunities for corporate energy buyers to source energy directly from generators, allowing free access to new and operational projects all over the world.

By connecting companies to investors, suppliers and developers, RE-search has created a clean energy ecosystem that covers green energy, long-term agreements for new and existing renewable energy projects (PPAs), market intelligence and access to legal and consultancy advisors.

Simplifying the market

Disruptive platforms like RE-search are essential in the current market, as government subsidies for renewable energy disappear quickly.

Online communities that allow companies to search for global renewable energy opportunities – including certificates, green tariffs, assets and connection to the right partners – are essential. They simplify a complex market and will help to accelerate the uptake of renewable energy, helping us to reach the targets that will reduce the effects of climate change.

Sir David Attenborough spoke at the COP24 climate change conference in Katowice, commenting on how reducing the cost of clean energy to lower levels than coal and gas oil is essential to keep fossil fuels in the ground. The focus of RE-search is to help bring liquidity to the market and help achieve Sir David’s ambition.

‘The age of digital platforms is on the rise, giving way to new routes to enhance productivity and performance and pave the way for innovation. We combined technology with traditional energy sourcing to democratise the way companies access clean energy. It’s about creating smart products and services that disrupt the way energy buyers and project developers connect.’

Founder and CEO of RE-search

AI and clean energy

RE-search will use technology, including the future innovation of Artificial Intelligence algorithms, to forge connections between clean energy projects and corporate off-takers, increasing the much-needed liquidity in the market.

By identifying key search trends and parameters, RE-search suggests suitable projects to large corporates and gives the option of aggregation consumption to smaller corporates, facilitating the process of contracting the energy from projects around the world.

‘The RE-search portal is a promising development and can help with unlocking potential investment in the low carbon economy’, says Dr Tom Knowland, Head Of Sustainable Energy & Climate Change at Leeds City Council.

Founded in 2018 by Juan Pablo Cerda, RE-search is tipped to become a game-changer in the clean energy sourcing sector.

The RE-search portal is now available for immediate use here.

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