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A London buzz

Buglife announces new London ‘B-Line’ to help pollinators move across UK’s insect superhighway
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Wildflowers on a balcony in the city

Conservation charity Buglife has mapped a new B-Line across London to extend its UK-wide network of ‘insect superhighways’.

B-Lines are designed to reconnect our landscapes; they support nature’s recovery by enabling the free movement of pollinators and other wildlife.

The network of corridors across the UK prioritise where new wildflower-rich habitats can best help our declining insect pollinators.

Add your project on the map

After identifying more potential routes for pollinators in London, Buglife has worked with Greenspace Information for Greater London, the city’s environmental records centre, to map a new B-Line that weaves from east to west, across the capital.

Creating more corridors and stepping stones of wildlife-friendly habitat in London will help its pollinators to thrive.

With the B-Line now confirmed, Buglife is inviting everyone to contribute and to add their pollinator projects, no matter how big or small, to the online B-Lines map.

Whether you are growing flowers in a window box, leaving a corner of your garden to go wild or just mowing the lawn less often, your actions help secure a future for our pollinators.  

Get London Buzzing

Coinciding with the launch of the new B-Line, Buglife is also announcing a new project, ‘Get London Buzzing’, that will create opportunities for people who live and work in and across London to help pollinating insects in their local area. 

Get London Buzzing will deliver a series of events and workshops to showcase how best to create pollinator-friendly habitats across the city and inspire action.

Through the project, Londoners can also access training on how to survey, monitor and conserve pollinators into the future.

Get London Buzzing will also be partnering with schools to ensure children across London are empowered to take action for pollinating insects.

‘We will be working with communities, delivering exciting events to champion pollinators, raise awareness of the threats that they face, and teach people how they can best protect them. We want to inspire people to plant more beautiful wildflowers across London and help us realise our B-Lines vision.’

Get London Buzzing community engagement officer

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