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A royal wedding present

PETA India's wedding gift to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is 'ideal' considering the couple's wish to celebrate the day through charity
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are sure to receive a wide variety of wedding gifts, but PETA India’s may be the most unique.

An Indian bull who was found weak and injured, likely after a lifetime of being forced to toil in the hot sun pulling a heavy cart, has been adopted by the group on behalf of the happy couple and named Merry – a hybrid of the names Meghan and Harry – in their honour.

Merry will spend the rest of his days relaxing in peace at a sanctuary in Maharashtra, India.

‘Prince Harry and Meghan Markle now have a 1-tonne bull to call their own. Rescuing Merry is an ideal wedding present for a couple who want their day celebrated with charitable works and contributions. The royal wedding is the perfect time for anyone to spare a thought for and show some love to all our fellow living beings.’

PETA founder

Merry was found alone and suffering from a deep wound on his neck. It has been treated and has completely healed, and he has made a best friend – another bullock, named Barsha – who was also recently rescued.

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