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Closing sustainability’s funding gap

Richard Mackintosh, co-founder of Reset Connect, explains why London Climate Action Week provides the perfect backdrop for a disruptive new climate gathering
campaigner holding sign that reads 'No business on a dead planet'

This article first appeared in our Earth Day 2022 issue of My Green Pod Magazine, printed on 22 April 2022. Click here to subscribe to our digital edition and get each issue delivered straight to your inbox

A message that was hammered home at COP26 was that financial resources are needed at scale – from both public and private sectors – if we are to combat climate change.

According to the UN, £4-5 trillion will be needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. In the UK alone, existing infrastructure will require an average investment of £40 billion per year, over the next 10 years, if we are to reach net zero.

While we are starting to see a mobilisation of capital to meet these challenges, we need much, much more collective and collaborative momentum on this existential issue. 

Joining the dots

Reset Connect was born from a need to break down the silos between businesses, investors and startups.

Businesses need support in advancing their net zero plans. Investors are ready to go but need to be connected to viable proposals. Solution providers have the tech and products available but need greater awareness and adoption.

At the same time, the government relies on driven communities of changemakers to take on and shape new policies, and lead the way in helping the UK to become net zero by 2030. 

A green investment gathering

Reset Connect has created a collaborative and disruptive platform to drive this change across the sustainability sector; the Reset Connect London event on 28-29 June, a flagship event of London Climate Action Week, will be the UK’s largest sustainability ecosystem and green investment gathering. 

The event caters for the huge rise in investor demand for game-changing finance and climate-tech solutions in decarbonisation, ESG reporting, infrastructure, transport, financial services and the circular economy.

It will promote ideas that make people think differently about the impact of their business, and discover ways to benefit not just the planet but people and profits, too.


My Green Pod readers can get 15% off their tickets using code MgDc15 at

Sustainability thought leaders

It’s important to make climate action mainstream and a lineup of over 100 globally recognised experts from across all sectors have joined the conference programme to make that a reality.

Among them are sustainability thought leaders from the likes of WWF, Rolls Royce, Olio, Octopus Energy, Hitachi, Innovate UK, Columbia Threadneedle, National Grid, M&G Investments, the UK Infrastructure Bank and SME Climate Hub.

We are proud to be supported by Tenet, M&G Investment, Schneider Electric, King & Shaxson Ethical Investing and Gluon Mobility Ventures. 

One of the headline speakers at the event in June is Jarvis Smith, co-founder of My Green Pod and founder of the P.E.A. (People. Environment. Achievement.) Awards. He was only too happy to lend the full weight of over 15 years’ pioneering experience to help make this a memorable and lasting climate legacy event for London and the UK.

‘There is a lot happening in the sustainability movement right now’, Jarvis said – ‘a bit of a ‘green rush’. When you’ve been at it as long as My Green Pod has, we know what to look out for and who and what to back, so it’s a pleasure to be working with the team at Reset Connect.’

Help to drive the change

The event will be attended by a series of established global organisations. Last year’s attendees included the BBC, Centrica, Deloitte, EDF Energy, Harrods, KPMG, Ford, RSPCA, Fever-Tree, Volkswagen, NatWest, Hitachi and many more.

Reset Connect will also be hosting a P.E.A. Awards Hub to showcase the very best ethical, sustainable and impact-led businesses who have won P.E.A. Awards in the past.

Sharing learnings from across the sustainability ecosystem will be a powerful source of guidance and inspiration to everyone in attendance.

Reset Connect has created a sustainability community that will be a powerful tool for any business or startup looking to collaborate, share ideas and work together towards a sustainable future.

Whether you’re attending as part of a business driving sustainability, an investor, financial adviser, startup, entrepreneur or founder, all are welcome! Join and help to drive this much-needed change.

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