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Fracking Ryedale

Fracking raises its ugly head in North Yorkshire, leaving our energy future in the balance

Britain’s energy future is in the balance after North Yorkshire Council decided last night to allow fracking to ‘raise its ugly head in Ryedale’, according to Joe Corré, the son of Dame Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren and head of

Opposed by 99.2% residents

After hearing from opponents, last night (23 May 2016) North Yorkshire County Council made a decision to approve Third Energy’s planning application to frack for shale gas near Kirby Misperton in North Yorkshire.

In 2011, Cuadrilla caused two earth tremors when it attempted to frack a site near Blackpool.

99.2% of Ryedale residents opposed the application, and a council consultation received 4,000 complaints.

‘There is only one way for the UK to ultimately achieve energy security, it must choose renewables over fossil fuels.’

Head of

’Something in the water’

An overwhelming majority of Ryedale residents are concerned about the impacts if fracking, including the noise and light pollution, the substantial increase in traffic, the risks to health, the industrialisation of the countryside and its impact on farming, house prices and tourism. They are also concerned because fracking is incompatible with tackling climate change and cannot be adequately regulated.

‘There’s clearly something in the water in North Yorkshire for councillors to steer through fracking when the clear will of the people is to outlaw fracking at all costs.’

Head of

A letter from more than 850 elected officials in New York State – which has banned fracking – was delivered to North Yorkshire County Council, urging its members to block the application. It stated that fracking has not delivered the benefits promised in the US, and that communities where it has gone ahead have faced ‘significant costs’.

‘The economic fallacy of the fracking Ponzi scheme is starting to show its true face with boom and bust towns, ghost wells and bankruptcies. Its potential effect on UK communities like North Yorkshire, the environment, livelihoods, property values and health could be devastating.’

Head of

The evidence of the environmental havoc, death and destruction caused by this industry wherever it has taken hold is irrefutable. Just look up the ‘List of the harmed’ in the USA.

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