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Happy International Women’s Day 2019!

Here are 10 women’s networks that are supporting environmental and social change
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Happy International Women's Day 2019!

As women-led global reforestation charity TreeSisters prepares to launch its worldwide ‘Sing for the Trees’ campaign for International Women’s Day (Friday 08 March), Suzi Martineau, education and partnerships coordinator for TreeSisters, introduces 10 leading women’s networks collaborating to support the Earth, demonstrating the remarkable scale of the growing women’s environmental movement at this time.


Based in Sydney, this growing movement of 800,000 plus supports women to make environmentally conscious consumer decisions to reduce their household’s carbon footprint. ‘One small action at a time multiplied by millions and millions changes the system’, says founder Natalie Isaacs.

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With offices in the Netherlands, Germany and France, this international network consists of 150 member organisations and individual members working in reciprocal cooperation in 50 countries. The movement is promoting an equitable and sustainable world, with a gender-based approach to environmental development policy and implementation.

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Located in Oregon, USA this award-winning social network of 64K changemakers in 190 countries connects women through technology, providing a platform for their voices to be heard around the world. They share resources, launch movements, start businesses, run for office and generate change via environmental, human rights, health and education projects.

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This worldwide network of networks unites women around sustainability solutions and policy advocacy, with a special focus on mitigating climate change and environmental degradation.

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This US-based community of over 1,000,000 mothers alleviates air pollution and climate change and protects children’s health. With resources online, members work on policy issues and meet with lawmakers at every level of government to build support for practical solutions to pollution.

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This alliance equips women with the skills and tools they need to protect the Earth and strengthen communities across India, Nepal, Africa and South America. The WEA has implemented 125 women’s environmental and entrepreneurship projects in 18 countries, to bring safe water, clean energy, regenerative farming and women’s land rights.

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The 2017 march was the largest single-day protest in US history. The movement draws on a diversity of women to activate social and environmental change, which has since mushroomed into a network of 1.2 million women and allies across the USA. The movement has inspired marches in other countries worldwide.

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Founded by Anita Roddick and other environmental and social justice pioneers, this UK-based charity focuses on issues linking women, health and the environment. WEN inspires women to make environmentally informed choices and to become active changemakers contributing to a sustainable future.

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This environmental organisation was founded in Kenya in 1977 by Wangari Maathai in response to the needs of rural Kenyan women faced with drying up streams, insecure food supplies and lack of direct access to firewood. Wangari Maathai was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and her work remains an exemplary model, inspiring women across Africa to re-green their communities.

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This growing global movement and social network, with over 317K Facebook followers, supports women to create safe spaces to explore their relationship to the Earth and living systems. They regularly donate to non-profit organisations supporting women, children and the environment.

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Details of Sing for the Trees activities happening across the globe for International Women’s Day 2019 can be found here.

Click here to see for details of Sing for the Trees events taking place all over the world.

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