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Hydrogen in South Sumatra

UK company lands 25-year deal to deliver clean energy infrastructure throughout South Sumatra
Soreang Bandung, West Java / Indonesia - June 28, 2018: Aerial View of Si Jalak Harupat Football / Soccer Stadium in the Morning with Blue Sky, Official Venue Asian Games 2018

UK infrastructure innovators and hydrogen energy specialist Ecubes Arcola has landed a 25-year partnership with the South Sumatran government to deliver clean, hydrogen-enabled clean energy infrastructure through the province.

The first phase of the partnership will see hydrogen-powered vehicles demonstrated throughout the duration of the 2018 Asian Games (main image), which will be held in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia from 18 August – 02 September.

Tech and leadership

Supported by Imperial College, one of the world’s top 10 universities, Ecubes Arcola will also run a week-long education roadshow in Indonesian cities, providing hands-on technology workshops for over 1,000 young people in South Sumatra and Java, plus open-access displays for all visitors to Jakabaring Sports City, home to many of the Asian Games venues.

This programme is part of a wider Ecubes Arcola strategy to delivery hydrogen-powered clean energy infrastructure across the region via complementary projects across the power generation and supply and transport sectors, based on the technology.

‘Delivering solutions for sustainable energy world is no longer a matter of overcoming technological obstacles, but about leadership challenges. South Sumatra is showing strong leadership in developing a green economy, as indicated by pioneering solutions based on hydrogen related technologies since 2016.’

President director of Ecubes Arcola

UK at cutting edge

Alongside activity at the games, 10 August will see a media event at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London, promoting clean energy Investments in Indonesia.

The event will mark the practical launch of the partnership between Ecubes Arcola and the sponsor of the Asian Games Education programme in the ASEAN region, Serba Dinamik.

The event will also showcase the cutting edge of UK zero-emissions technology, with a demonstration of a double-decker hydrogen fuel cell electric bus, developed by Arcola Energy using an Alexander Dennis base vehicle, making a journey to Westminster.

Clean air for everyone

The programme’s mission in Indonesia is to demonstrate the way power infrastructures can be designed to enable clean, affordable energy, and clean air, for everyone.

The programme is already starting to provide exciting opportunities for the development of a new, low carbon, circular economy in Indonesia. The programme for the 2018 Asian Games is a precursor to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, where hydrogen-enabled power and transport will be a key part of the infrastructure.

Clean energy in South Sumatra

Having committed to the development of and clean energy infrastructure zero emission mobility in 2016, the government of South Sumatra is playing a leading role in the ASEAN region, with ambitious plans now in place for the transition to a zero-emission energy infrastructure.

‘South Sumatra has great potential for renewable energy. Over the next 25 years we will see the transformation of our power generation and transport systems to zero emission technologies, ensuring we have clean air and affordable renewable energy. We will start at Jakabaring Sport City, which will become a showcase for wider region for implementation of clean infrastructure, enabled by using hydrogen to store and transport energy.’

Governor of South Sumatra

Regent of Musi Banuasi Dodi Reza said, ‘In order to realise our vision for clean energy and economic growth we must succeed in implementing new energy concepts involving high penetration of renewables in the power mix.

‘This can only be achieved by aligning all participants in the value chain, working both top down from the vision and bottom up from the practicalities of each site and of each technology. It is this approach which has enabled the first project in this programme to proceed, and it will ensure the success of future projects.’

Click here for more about the world’s first hydrogen ship, powered by renewables and seawater.

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