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International Day of Forests

Discover the hidden gifts of trees through the Trees Are The Key Awareness Week
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Looking up at a big oak in the sunlight

Have you ever wanted to uncover the secrets trees have up their sleeves?

International environmental charity The Word Forest Organisation has created the Trees Are The Key Awareness Week (21-27 March 2022) to help everyone to find out.

Trees are the key to solving so many of the world’s problems; they are crucial for a healthy environment and critical for every living, breathing inhabitant of our planet.

They clean the air that we breathe, release precious oxygen, allow biodiversity to flourish and create safe habitats for wildlife.

Trees are Mother Nature’s ultimate gift that keeps on giving.

Last year, the awareness week focused on how trees boost our mental and physical health and wellbeing. This year, it takes a deeper look at what trees really do for us.

The impact of trees

As news of the negative impact global deforestation continues to have on our climate, its people and wildlife, there has never been a better time to focus on the positive impacts trees have on our planet, too.

For seven days from today (21 March), which is also the International Day of Forests, the charity will be sharing a wealth of engaging articles, interviews and information about these incredible ecosystems.

Free education on trees

The charity is also launching a new Educational Learning Platform. The first courses available are ‘The Importance of Trees’ and ‘Eco Resilience’, with many more planned throughout the year.

A series of free lessons and activities will be available for KS2 primary school students (ages seven to 11).  Pupils will be able to learn all about what trees in the UK and Kenya do for us.

‘We’re delighted to welcome you to celebrate this exciting and important environmental awareness week with our Team in Kenya and the UK! We hope to inspire you to pause a while from your busy schedules to step into nature, visit your favourite green spaces and ‘talk trees’ with friends and family. It’s easy to take trees for granted, sometimes only missing them when we realise they’re gone. Let us help you fall a little bit more in love with trees as we uncover their secrets and learn more about what they do for us, for wildlife and our planet too.’

CEO of The Word Forest Organisation

Documentary screening

A free evening screening of the #TreesAreTheKey documentary, narrated by Kate Winslet, will be aired on 25 March, 19-21.00.

The inspirational 40-minute documentary highlights the need for more trees in the tropics in the fight against climate change. It will be followed by a Q&A with the charity’s co-founders.

The Word Forest Organisation focuses its tree planting projects predominantly in Kenya, as they can grow up to 10 times faster there than anywhere else on the planet.

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