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Introducing Werde

Clean beauty pioneer Weleda has launched a new magazine for eco-conscious consumers
Weleda's Werde magazine is for eco-conscious consumers

Weleda has launched a stylish new consumer magazine, Werde, which will be available in the UK for the first time.

Previously only available in German, Werde has a circulation of 110,000 and will now also be published in English.

Driving positive change

As part of Weleda’s sustainability programme, the goal of Werde is to make a cultural contribution to environmental protection and positive social change.

A non-profit initiative, the printing and production is financed by proceeds from the sale of the magazine (which has a £4.95 cover price); editorial costs such as writing and editing are financed by Weleda.

Although funded by Weleda, this is an independent consumer magazine; it’s not a Weleda customer magazine and it is not about Weleda directly. Some of Weleda’s sustainable farming partnerships or suppliers feature in the magazine from time to time, or like-minded organisations or individuals whose values reflect Weleda’s own values.

A moment of transition

‘Werde’ translates as ‘will be’ or ‘going to be’. This is a reference to that moment of transition, when someone or something is on the brink of change. This magazine hopes to inspire that change.

Each issue introduces people who are taking significant steps towards making the world a better and healthier place. In our socially and ecologically challenging times, Werde seeks out stories of positive change.

Often the stage for these tales is the natural world, with each story shared in a quiet, relaxed narrative style. The hope is that Werde will inspire and empower readers to shape the world and preserve its beauty.

Stories for the eco conscious

The magazine has a sense for aesthetics, and a love for the printed page and the written word. A top quality full colour publication, it’s printed on FSC recycled paper, perfect bound and measures 285x220mm.

Edited by Christoph Möldner, the magazine will be published twice yearly in the UK, with a second issue planned for the autumn. The launch edition contains 124 pages of beautiful photographs and stories that will appeal to the eco-conscious consumer.

Summer issue of Werde

The cover girl for the summer 2018 issue is Jeanine Glöyer, who founded the fair trade fashion label Jyoti. Jyoti now provides a livelihood for a dozen women in the Indian city of Chittapur.

Jeanine Glöyer’s label accounts for less than 1% of the textile industry, but it still has a strong impact for those women in India whose daughters will now be able to get a university education.

The summer issue also shares the story of Vivien Scheidler and her husband Boudewijn Kegel, who fell in love with a farm with barely useable land near Belgrade. The area is called ‘Jalovik’, which means ‘barren land’.

The couple has since transformed contaminated soil into a flowering landscape. Their story is small, but it’s making a big difference for the young people who are now coming to Jalovik to learn about biodynamic farming.

Tel Avivian Agnes Fazekas also takes readers on a whistle-stop tour of her city and highlights her favourite haunts,sharing the true flavour of this multicultural modern city that is full of colour and contradictions.

In addition, this issue of Werde features book reviews, green cuisine, garden articles, inspirational philosophical insights and more. The perfect read for those with a little time and inclination. For all who dare to be quiet.

Click here to buy Werde magazine directly from Weleda’s online shop.

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