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Merry Christmas 2021!

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas 2021!

We’re taking a break from the news today to stop, reflect and thank you all for your incredible support in 2021.

This has been another challenging year for many, and your support through our ethical online shop has helped to keep lots of small, ethical and independent businesses going.

We bang on about this quite a lot but we’re going to keep saying it (sorry!): the way you shop and the products and services you choose to buy make an enormous impact on the world around you. If you want to make a difference but aren’t sure how, this is great place to start.

When you buy a sustainable product you’re supporting a whole chain of events – from better working conditions for the farmers that grow the ingredients to gentler products that won’t leave a toxic legacy in our waters and soil when they reach the end of their useful life.

By choosing the ethical option you’re also withdrawing support for the mainstream product and the (often in no way eco) company that manufactured it. This is just as important, as without your money they can’t continue to operate (at least not by carrying on with business as usual).

We can all live in right relation with the planet, and lots of companies are now beginning to embed restoration in their transactions. This is something we do through our charity partner TreeSisters.

It’s a complicated way of saying that a tree is planted (in our case in the tropics) every time you shop. It’s a simple way of making sure you give back every time you take from the Earth (which happens every time you buy a new product or have anything delivered).

In 2019 we made 40 billion transactions in the UK. If we planted a tree for each of the transactions, over their lifetime they would lock in 40 billion tonnes of carbon. And guess what the global carbon footprint of all human activity is? 40 billion tonnes per year. In a crude sense, the UK population could offset everyone in the world’s carbon footprint – just through doing something we already do.

A sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t need to involve a huge upheaval. If we all did a little bit we could turn things around very quickly.

By supporting My Green Pod you’re doing your bit, and we are hugely grateful.

Thank you for being in our pod and our fantastic community – we love you all.

Have a fantastic Christmas and a healthy and happy new year!

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