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My Wild Life

When we stop and think, we all know our lives are better if they’re a bit wild – but how often do we stop and think?

Sir David Attenborough and The Wildlife Trusts have today launched a campaign, My Wild Life, to encourage us all to stop for a minute and reflect on wildlife.

‘Contact with nature should not be the preserve of the privileged. It is critical to the personal development of our children’

Sir David Attenborough, The Wildlife Trusts’ President Emeritus

The Nature and Wellbeing Act – what it is, why we need it and how it would work

Natural benefits

Daily contact with the world around us – from the peat bogs and rivers to our urban parks – brings massive all-round benefits.

Those lucky enough to live near and experience green spaces have a 50% chance of being healthier – both physically and mentally – and are 40% less likely to become overweight or obese.

The Wildlife Trusts restore wildlife and wild places in towns and cities as well as in the countryside, and are encouraging people from all walks of life to share their own personal stories about what nature means to them.

‘We’ve always known that contact with nature can make a big difference to people’s lives. The evidence is now building to back this up. We hope these stories inspire others to think about their relationship with the natural world and to make nature part of their life.’

Simon King OBE, The Wildlife Trusts’ President

Sir David Attenborough

Sir David Attenborough has travelled the world in search of wildlife – but closer to home he can explore the hidden woodland at Crane Park Island, discover flying stag beetles in his garden and marvel at ancient trees in London’s parks.

‘People turn to nature in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. We are part of the natural world: we depend on it for the air we breathe and the food we eat. The Wildlife Trusts are helping people to understand their role in the natural world and their dependency on it. This is essential if we are going to speed nature’s recovery.’

Sir David Attenborough, The Wildlife Trusts’ President Emeritus

Attenborough is one of hundreds of people taking part in the campaign, including students, nurses, families, volunteers, teachers and many others from across the UK.

Share your story

From today, Sir David Attenborough’s stories can be found alongside many others at; anyone can add their own story and discover wild places in their local area.

‘I had brain surgery in March last year and suffered from headaches afterwards, especially when I was working on a computer.

‘When I decided to pursue my passion for wildlife, I was worried that the headaches would get worse, but they disappear completely when I’m volunteering outside. Some of our volunteers have had mental health problems and working in these wild landscapes has really helped them, too.

‘I’ve learned loads of new things and met so many interesting people: it’s really therapeutic, and has made me feel happier and healthier again.’

Simone Price, Durham Wildlife Trust volunteer

As well as providing thousands of opportunities for people across the UK to make nature part of their everyday lives, The Wildlife Trusts are calling for a Nature and Wellbeing Act in England to put nature at the heart of decisions about how our country is run – from our health and housing to education and economic growth.

The proposals have been put forward by The Wildlife Trusts and the RSPB, and are supported by a partnership of 20 organisations.

Everyone can share their stories of the wildlife and wild places which matter to them and why, using #MyWildLife on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Find out more at

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