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OuiShare Fest 2015

1,000 collaborative economy visionaries to come together for three days
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OuiShare Fest is a three-day festival about the collaborative economy, taking place at the Cabaret Sauvage in Paris 20-22 May, 2015.

Now in its third year, the event will gather 1,000 people to explore the future of movements such as collaborative consumption, open source, makers and fablabs, co-working, crowdfunding, alternative currencies and horizontal governance.

These movements are transforming cities, organisations and civic action worldwide – yet the pioneers behind them face many challenges today. They must solve complex issues, from regulation to financing, in times of environmental, economic and social uncertainty.

OuiShare Fest 2015

Lost in Transition?

Transition, transformation, shift: these are words we hear a lot lately to express how the economy, environment, politics and business are changing. What exactly are we transitioning to? What direction would we like to go in? What could a collaborative society look like?

Entrepreneurs and social innovators, non-profit and business leaders, grassroots activists and public officials are gathering in Paris to ask these questions together and look for possible answers. They are coming to debate, build and co-create the transition to a collaborative society. Click here to join them.

To make this a truly collaborative experience, the festival will feature three days of interactive sessions in four areas (Circus, Camp, FloatingFest and Studio), mixing traditional formats such as keynotes, panels and Q&As with participative formats such as unpanels, co-creation workshops, networking sessions and many more you may never have heard of.

Key topics

Collaborative consumption
Sharing: People connecting to swap, rent, borrow, gift or trade goods and services

Crowdfunding and person-to-person banking
Capital: Funding projects by enabling circulation of capital and equity between individuals

Open source and open knowledge
Commons: Giving everyone equal access to knowledge, data, source code or designs

Makers and distributed production
Makers: Democratising design and distributing production of physical goods through DIY, open knowledge, fablabs and makerspaces

Horizontal governance
Empowerment: Using networks and collaborative practices to transform organisations and institutions

Click here to book your tickets to OuiShare 2015. The schedule of events can be found here.

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