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Peanut butter on tap

Supermarket unveils plastic-free range of 200 products, including milk, orange juice and peanut butter
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Peanut butter on tap

For the first time in a UK supermarket, peanut butter has gone on sale on tap.

The Thornton’s Budgens store in Belsize Park, North London has introduced the measure in a bid to slash plastic pollution.

Loose soaps and shampoos

Shoppers visiting the store will be able to buy reusable glass jars and fill them up with everyday essentials including peanut butter, milk and orange juice.

The moves comes as Thornton’s Budgens launches its new plastic-free Unpackaged range of 200 products in collaboration with environmental campaign group A Plastic Planet. Items on sale include loose pulses, beans, grains and seeds.

Visitors to the Camden store will also be able to choose from an extended range of vegan and gluten-free foods packaged in plastic-free materials.

Ethical Fairtrade coffee served in plastic-free cups will be on offer. Shoppers will be able to buy plastic-free personal care products, including loose soaps, shampoos and shower gels.

Plastic Free Zones

Last year Thornton’s Budgens worked with A Plastic Planet to introduce the world’s first Plastic Free Zones in its North London store.

The Zones saw some 1,800 products traditionally packaged in plastic replaced with innovative alternatives including beechwood netting and coconut bowls.

‘We are very proud of our partnership with Thornton’s Budgens. It has consistently proven that selling plastic-free is not just good for the planet but good for business.

‘People finally have real choice now and they are voting with their wallets here. After all the pledges and plastic promises from many of the larger supermarkets it is great to work with a leader who believes in people, planet and profit – in that order.’

A Plastic Planet co-founder

In March this year the business reported a 4% weekly sales increase on the back of the introduction of the zones.

Thornton’s Budgens Founder Andrew Thornton believes the move is set to be replicated by supermarkets across the world.

He said: ‘Last year we were blown away by the international reaction when we launched our Plastic Free Zones. The new Unpackaged range represents the evolution of this. Our shoppers love our plastic-free packaging.

‘But this is just the beginning. There is no end to our plastic-free ambition. I passionately believe the future of supermarket shopping in the 2020s will be without the toxic material that has done such damage to our planet and ourselves.’

Click here to read our article about the plastic free aisle created in London.

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