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Plastic Free Awards 2020

Time to nominate all plastic pollution movers, shakers, disruptors and changemakers!
Plastic Free Awards 2020

National ocean conservation charity Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) has announced that the Plastic Free Awards will be even bigger and better in 2021. Nominations are now open here.

SAS founded the Plastic Free Awards alongside Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation in 2019. The aim was to recognise and celebrate innovators, entrepreneurs, volunteers, youth campaigners and ocean activists leading the fight against plastic pollution.

Hundreds of entries and nominations were submitted from around the country, which were scrutinised by a panel of experts including environmentalists Liz Bonin, Gillian Burke and Richard Walker.

‘We are looking for people inspiring change in their communities, businesses and schools. Businesses ditching single-use; young activists challenging the status quo; community mobilisers; schools leading the charge; innovators redesigning the norm; movers, shakers and changemakers – sporting heroes taking a stand.
‘If you are one of these people or know someone who is then head over to to nominate now!’

Head Judge and SAS CEO

Pandemic a ‘smokescreen’

The global pandemic is being used as a smokescreen by plastics manufacturers to roll back action to curb ‘pointless plastics’ and continue pumping out throwaway plastic products.

Plastics activists must rise up again to strengthen the movement in the face of post-pandemic pollution, plastic-strewn beaches and factories working overtime to produce products that are choking the ocean.

The plastic pollution crisis is set to worsen without radical action. It has never been more important to shine a spotlight on the changemakers offering hope, the leaders uniting communities and the activists driving change for a plastic-free ocean.


Celebrating the best

Do you know a campaigner committed to stopping plastic pollution? Is there a business you love that is innovating its way out of plastic? Are you working with scientific researchers pushing the boundaries of solutions? Who do you know that is inspiring the world to go plastic free?

‘Communities and individuals continue to lead the charge on plastics, saying no to unnecessary use that commits us to 500 years of hazardous waste. Unfortunately for policymakers, it is clear that this energy and focus from people across the UK will not stop until the problem is solved.

‘But the activists (and that’s what they are, even if some never expected to be!) – from café owners and teachers to school kids and adventurers – use their agency to think beyond the plastic pandemic. They’ve swept up progressive businesses and organisations with their enthusiasm, so we’ve decided to celebrate the very best. Credit where credit is due!’

Writer, broadcaster and Plastic Free Awards Head Judge

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