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Platform for Redesign

New online platform is a key resource for green recovery measures
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Platform for Redesign

A new online platform on sustainable and resilient recovery from Covid-19 has been launched by the Government of Japan with support from UN Climate Change.

The new platform, ‘Platform for Redesign 2020’, is a hub that collates countries’ climate and other environmental policies and actions that are planned and implemented in the context of recovery from Covid-19.

While the Covid crisis threatens to undermine global climate action, recovery from the pandemic is a historic opportunity to reshape economies in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement and green the world’s economies to create a healthier, more sustainable world.

‘People around the world are struggling with serious consequences of both crises. Recovery efforts from the pandemic should therefore address the climate crisis at the same time.

‘This platform helps countries redesign their economic and social systems during this time of dual crises: the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change.’

Japan’s Minister of the Environment

Knowledge and exchange

The Platform for Redesign 2020 offers a dedicated source of knowledge and exchange for both governments and non-state stakeholders.

It showcases information on policies and actions taken by national governments that contribute to a sustainable and resilient recovery from Covid-19.

‘Preventing the spread of infection has been the most effective approach to the pandemic. Preventing future emissions is the most effective approach to addressing climate change.

‘This must be a global collaborative effort. Multilateralism and collaboration have always and will always lead to success. Whether it’s repairing the ozone layer or defeating polio in Africa — the capacity of humanity for positive change is infinite.’

Executive secretary of UN Climate Change

National emissions

The platform’s launch is timely given that countries will submit new or updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by 2020.

NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change and are central to the Paris Agreement. Each NDC reflects the country’s ambition, taking into account its domestic circumstances and capabilities and is updated every five years, starting in 2020.  

The launch of the platform will help to build momentum towards the annual Climate Change Conference, COP26, which has been postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19.

‘This meeting serves as an important stepping stone towards COP26 and will contribute to the success of COP26 by stimulating climate dialogue. Outcomes from this meeting will be transmitted to the world through various meetings with appropriate timing.

‘The Platform for Redesign will be used as an important site for information and experience sharing.’

Japan’s Minister of the Environment

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