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Pledge kindness

Do your bit to make the UK kinder this World Mental Health Day
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Pledge kindness

2020 has been a tough time for most people’s mental health.

However, it has made a lot of us examine the way we live and make changes which serve our wellbeing.

A recent study found people have become kinder and more altruistic since the pandemic began.

This has tangible benefits; evidence shows when we do something kind for others, our brain releases feel-good endorphins (sometimes called ‘helper’s high’), which can help restore our chemical balance and counteract the effects of stress and anxiety.

It also helps foster connection, which is crucial for our psychological health.

Make your pledge

Small acts of kindness make a big difference. You can join the mission to make the UK kinder by pledging an act of kindness for World Mental Health Day, with Where’s Your Head At in partnership with Hub of Hope and Chasing the Stigma. The goal is to get to 10,000 pledges by 10 October.

Whether it’s texting a mate you haven’t seen for ages or helping a neighbour with their shopping, every pledge an d act will make a difference this World Mental Health day.

You can use the interactive map here to see what acts of kindness people are planning in your area and around the UK.

If you’re feeling the strain, you can click here to find and get help in your area.

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