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The printable letterbox card that helps you support self-isolating neighbours

A lecturer from Cornwall has created a printable postcard that offers kindness and support to self-isolating neighbours.

Becky Wass uploaded the postcard to her Facebook page, explaining ‘Coronavirus is scary. Let’s make kindness go viral.’

The postcards feature boxes that can be ticked according to what level of support you feel able to offer neighbours – whether you can be available for a friendly chat or could pick up shopping or post.

‘I’ve been feeling pretty helpless watching the news. Maybe you have too? I wanted to do something about it, so I’ve made a postcard that I’ll be posting to my older neighbours as this progresses (after washing my hands!).’


Stress and fear are bigger killers than viruses, and spreading kindness could alleviate anxiety for those who are most worried about the coronavirus.

Hundreds of support groups have been created across the UK and registered on Covid Mutual Aid UK. They connect people to networks of support that are close to them.

Click here for a list of Covid 19 Mutual Aid groups and links to support close to you.

#ViralKIndness postcard

Click here for a printable PDF of the #ViralKindness postcard.

Stay safe and stay kind.

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