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Tackling illegal timber

Europeans want to be protected from buying products made from illegal wood
Logs Picture from MyGreenPod Sustainable News

A survey of consumers across Europe shows high support (85%) for better laws that ensure the legality of wood products on the market.

Tightening the rules

Major timber-related businesses in Europe, from producers to retailers, have also signed a new statement to the European Commission calling for the EU to tighten the current rules on illegal timber use.

The EU Timber Regulation, or EUTR, is designed to keep illegally sourced timber out of the marketplace, and is under review by the European Commission in Brussels.

Buying illegal wood

A poll commissioned by WWF in nine countries (UK, Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium and Romania) showed that three-quarters of the respondents did not know products made from illegal timber could still be bought in the EU.

85% said it was very important to them that measures be put in place to make sure people couldn’t buy products made from illegal wood.

Which products are covered?

eutrA similarly high number (82%) wanted the EU to implement the law more consistently across EU nations, and 78% thought the laws should cover all wood-based products.

Currently, the EUTR does not include items such as chairs, toys, books, musical instruments, charcoal, wine racks, clothes pegs, and lots of other things.

‘We are pleased to see this business and public support for a stronger regulation, and the drive for the law to include all products that could be made using illegal timber. Currently less than half (by value) of the products entering the EU are covered by the EUTR.

‘Deforestation and habitat destruction continues, and illegal timber can end up in our books, toys and chairs. We must act now, during this review of the laws, to ensure we protect our forests.’

Anke Schulmeister, senior forest policy officer at WWF’s European Policy Office

The rule of law

In a statement issued to the European Commission, 63 timber-related companies and seven trade federations say that not only does illegal logging ‘pose a significant threat to global forest resources, it also contributes to deforestation, causes loss of biodiversity and erodes the rule of law’.

The signatories want sufficient resources made available to enforce the regulation consistently across the EU and a coherent approach towards its interpretation.

Click here to find out more about WWF’s work on forests and illegal logging.

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