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The Rolling Resistance

Month of action scheduled to stop the UK’s first commercial fracking site in Lancashire
The Rolling Resistance, Preston New Road

Since Cuadrilla started building a fracking pad at Preston New Road near Blackpool in January 2017, people have been at the roadside every day in an effort to stop this toxic industry.

The resistance is working – supply chain companies are pulling out and the building schedule has been delayed by months.

Keep it in the ground

The fracking industry has always leaned heavily on the Conservative government in Westminster to override local objections – and since the outcome of the general election on 08 June 2017, that support is more fragile than ever.

Preston New Road is the flagship site for the wider industry and for the Tories. Every delay keeps those fossil fuels in the ground and shakes investor confidence.

Supporting local resistance

The incredible local resistance has held back this frontline of fracking in the UK for over six years.

This July, as Cuadrilla gets closer to drilling, Reclaim the Power will join the frontline struggle in Lancashire to support and reinforce the amazing local resistance – and everyone’s invited!

A month of action – the ‘Rolling Resistance’ – has been coordinated, offering training, resources and support to take creative action against Cuadrilla and the fracking supply chain. The goal is to help stop their work in its tracks and fight for a clean, safe, affordable energy system for everyone across the UK.

There’ll be actions taking place every day; if over 100 people are present the site must be shut down, so every Friday there will be mass, family-friendly demos with speakers and activities to get lots of people to the gate.

‘Whether you can come for two days or two weeks – this resistance movement needs you, and we’ll be lending our support to local activity however we can.’


Key events at Preston Road

Saturday 01 July
Lancashire Communities Family Fun Day and ‘Hub Launch’
(From midday)

Friday 07 July
Mass demo at the gate: ‘Not Here Not Anywhere’

Friday 14 July
Green Jobs, Renewables and Invest/Divest: mass demonstration

Friday 21 July
Food Growers against Fracking: mass demonstration

Friday 28 July
Carnival for a Frack Free Future: mass demonstration

Click here for the Rolling Resistance’s full schedule of events.

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