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Tips for a planet-positive 2022

The new year is the perfect time to set new goals and targets, however big or small
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Tips for a planet-positive 2022

According to recent data, 23 million Brits set new year resolutions in 2021 – but despite good intentions, on average we only manage to keep them up for seven weeks.

COP26 and the Earthshot Prize both took place in 2021, and highlighted that we must do all we can to protect and give back to our planet.

The challenge ahead can feel daunting, but there are steps we can all take that will help our planet, while also letting us take things one day at a time.

Planet-positive lifestyle tips

Avallen, the planet-positive calvados brand and My Green Pod Hero, has put together some new year’s resolutions that will help combat the climate crisis.

With these tips you can start the year by making positive environmental lifestyle changes, without feeling totally overwhelmed.

1. Drink sustainably

If you don’t want to go cold turkey this Dry January, why not switch up your go-to tipple? Avallen’s sustainable spirit is so good for the planet that it actively removes 2.73kg of CO2 from the Earth with every bottle. It’s the perfect (and delicious) guilt-free tipple – and it won’t give the planet a hangover!

2. Composting

Recycling your food is easy, and organic matter is great for your garden! You can grab a composting bin online from an ethical retailer and use this to collect food waste, which can then be recycled in your garden. Your plants and all the little bugs and the bees will love you for it!

3. Welcome and nurture wildlife

It’s essential that we all play our part in preserving biodiversity and do more to preserve wildlife, whether it’s in your garden or on a balcony.

From filling up your bird feeder and fitting bee bricks to your exterior to adding late flowering plants, there are lots of things we can do, no matter how big or small, to support our furry friends.

4. Reduce your meat consumption

Many of us have become aware of how meat production is negatively contributing to the climate crisis, and citizens around the world are changing their diets to become more sustainable.

Why not take part in the Veganuary campaign, or look to minimise the amount of meat in your diet to help tackle the ecological crisis?

5. Use your voice

Now more than ever, it is vital that we wield our power as citizens and influence environmental change to save our planet.

Get involved with environmental organisations who are influencing policy, write to your local MP and let them know the environmental issues that matter to you so your voice can be heard.

Why not get your family and friends on board with your new eco lifestyle swaps too? You can influence your nearest and dearest to do their part for the planet.

6. Take the scenic route

Instead of driving to every destination you visit, switch up your commute and try increasing your public transport use.

Whether it’s getting the train or tram or cycling, carpooling or walking, you can explore new routes and the planet will thank you at the same time.

Only use your car when you absolutely have to. If you travel frequently and have the option to, you could look at swapping high-polluting planes for relaxing trains that offer scenic views.

7. Limit your wardrobe

The textile industry plays a detrimental part in the climate crisis, emitting billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases every year.

Look to curate a capsule wardrobe that has you covered for all seasons and minimises the need to buy unnecessary new clothing.

By attending clothes swaps you can exchange unwanted items that can be repurposed – without hurting the planet.

8. Support sustainable brands

There is a wide selection of sustainable brands out there to choose from who are leading the way for environmental change.

From interior paint to planet-positive spirits, there’s a wide range to choose from, and by purchasing items from brands that care about the planet and are bettering their business with eco-friendly practices, you’ll be doing your part for the planet.

Click here to visit the My Green Pod ethical online shop, where you can browse a wide selection of ethical products – and even filter them according to your values.

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