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UK hosts 1% of refugees

Oxfam reveals the six richest countries host less than 9% of the world’s refugees
UK hosts 1% of refugees

The six wealthiest countries – which make up more than half the global economy – host less than 9% of the world’s refugees, while poorer countries are shouldering most of the responsibility.

2% of economy – 50% of refugees

While Germany has recently welcomed far more refugees than the other richest nations, Oxfam has revealed that poorer countries are hosting the vast majority of refugees.

Oxfam’s report, A Poor Welcome from the World’s Wealthy, shows that China, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States between them host 2.1 million refugees and asylum seekers – 8.9% of the world’s total. The UK hosts 169,000 refugees and asylum seekers, less than 1% of the world’s total.

In sharp contrast, Jordan, Turkey, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Pakistan, Lebanon and South Africa host over half of the world’s refugees and asylum seekers, even though they make up less than 2% of the world’s economy.

Record number flee homes

More than 65 million people have fled their homes because of conflict and violence – 40.8 million within their own countries, 21.3 million as refugees and 3.2 million awaiting asylum decisions – the highest levels since records began.

The conflict in Syria has been a major factor, but people are also fleeing violence in other parts of the world, including South Sudan, Burundi, Iraq and Yemen.

‘This is one of the greatest challenges of our time yet poorer countries, and poorer people, are left to shoulder the responsibility. It is a complex crisis that requires a co-ordinated, global response with the richest countries doing their fair share by welcoming more refugees and doing more to help and protect them wherever they are.’

Chief executive of Oxfam GB

Ahead of two major summits on the global refugee and migration crisis in New York in September, Oxfam is calling on governments to host more refugees, commit to do more to help poorer countries that are sheltering the majority of refugees, and protect and provide assistance to all people on the move.

‘Many governments are turning their backs on the suffering of millions of vulnerable people who have fled their homes and shirking their duty to protect them. Thousands are risking their lives to reach a safe haven. Those lucky enough to survive often end up living in squalid conditions without enough clean water or food and face hostility, discrimination and abuse with too many governments doing little to help or protect them.’

Chief executive of Oxfam GB

A dangerous precedent

The recent deal between European governments and Turkey which has left thousands of men, women and children detained in Greece in often appalling conditions, goes against the spirit of international law and sets a dangerous precedent.

‘Now more than ever, the UK needs to show that it is an open, tolerant society that is prepared to play its part in solving this crisis. It is shameful that as one of the richest economies the UK has provided shelter for less than one percent of refugees.’

Chief executive of Oxfam GB

Announcing the closure of the Dadaab refugee camp, the Kenyan government said if Europe could turn away Syrians, then Kenya could do the same for Somalis.

Click here to read Oxfam’s report, A Poor Welcome from the World’s Wealthy.

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