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Veganuary 2021

This year’s Veganuary is the biggest yet – and growing every 3 seconds
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Veganuary 2021

As Veganuary 2021 gets underway, this year’s cohort is already the biggest since the pledge began in 2014.

More than 440,000 people have already committed to the 31-day vegan challenge – surpassing 2020’s total of 400,000 – and sign ups are continuing at a rate of one person every three seconds!

2021 is the year for positive change and Veganuary is urging everyone to embrace this unique opportunity to reshape the future by trying vegan this month.

Click here to give it a go.

The message is echoed by Jane Goodall, Ricky Gervais, Paul McCartney, John Bishop, Sara Pascoe, Chris Packham, Chrissie Hynde and over 100 other international superstars.

These celebrities, politicians, NGOs and businesses signed a joint letter, published last week, calling on everyone to help fight climate chaos and prevent future pandemics by changing their diet.

‘2020 brought much hardship and heartbreak, but it has also given us an opportunity to change and build a better future.

‘Veganuary offers people a way to take positive action to protect our health and our planet, as well as help prevent future pandemics. The huge response we’ve had this year shows it’s exactly what many people need right now.’

Veganuary’s international head of communications

Veganuary’s impact

More than one million people have already completed Veganuary’s one-month pledge since it began in 2014.

Statistics compiled by Dr Helen Harwatt from Harvard University’s Animal Law and Policy programme show that their collective impact has been huge.

Together, they have saved:

  • 103,840 tonnes of CO2eq – equivalent to driving around the world almost 15,000 times
  • 405 tonnes of PO43-eq (eutrophication) – the same as 1,645 tonnes of sewage
  • 6.2 million litres of water – the same as flushing the toilet almost half a million times
  • More than 3.4 million animals, according to the Vegan Society’s Veganalyser calculations

500k target

More than 400,000 people from 192 countries took part in last year, including rock legends Brian May and Meat Loaf.

This year the charity expanded its efforts by launching programmes in two new countries, Brazil and Argentina, and its first French language pledge – building on the campaigns already established in the UK, US, Germany and Chile.

The goal this year is a global total of 500,000 sign-ups through the Veganuary website alone. Click here to find out more.

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