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Want to save the planet?

Michaela Strachan and WWF share their top 10 everyday eco-actions
Top 10 everyday eco-actions

The recent photos of the empty Glastonbury site where only 0.7% of tents had been left after the festival were cause for celebration; it seems the message that our planet is running out of time, and we need to do something to help, is finally landing.

A recent study by New Zealand Cider brand Old Mout has revealed that 80% of Brits want more ways to take action, and has revealed that it’s those aged 45-54 that want to spearheard the ‘eco’ way (65.8%), with millennials very close behind at 62%.

Planting flowers

The research also reveals promising news for future UK and global habitats, with over a third of Brits with gardens saying that they would plant flowers specifically for bees and other insects (38%) and leave a patch of their garden for wild insects, small reptiles and hedgehogs.

Habitat loss is the biggest threat to the variety of life wildlife on the planet at this moment in time; every small act that can make a difference is more important than ever.

‘It’s incredibly encouraging to see that so many Brits want to take eco action and there are so many things we can all be doing. Some are simple changes in our lifestyles that if we all do, can make a difference. From keeping your gardens wild to changing up your energy provider or giving green gifts instead of the usual kind of present, it’s time to all do something.

‘Share ideas with friends and support companies and brands that are doing their best to make positive changes. It’s something I do, which is why I’m delighted to be working so closely with Old Mout Cider and the WWF.’


Old Mout Cider has teamed up with conservationist Michaela Strachan as part of its partnership with the world’s leading independent conservation organisation, WWF, to reveal 10 fun and lesser-known things that Brits themselves can do to make a difference to animals and habitats in the UK and abroad.

WWF’s head of Climate Change, Gareth Redmond-King, and Michaela Strachan have shared their expertise and top tips on lifestyle choices to help climate change and biodiversity loss.

Here are their top 10 everyday actions for anyone who wants to make a difference.

Top 10 eco-actions

1. Keep your garden wild: Plant native flowers for pollinators, and keep a patch of your garden wild to help attract bees, hedgehogs, beetles and slugs.

2. Use green search engines: Some plant trees every time you surf the web!

3. Stop washing your jeans: According to fashion mogul Stella McCartney, jeans should only be washed every three months! Michaela says: ‘use organic non-harmful washing powder and put on a cool, short wash.’

4. Buy green: Businesses contribute hugely to climate change and biodiversity loss, so use your buying power and make sure to question where you spend. Are you using a green energy provider? Visit a comparison site to find out and for instructions on how to change if your current provider doesn’t match up. If you think a brand isn’t doing enough, make a suggestion!

5. Have an eco-friendly festival season: Ditch the single-use make up wipes and make sure your glitter is biodegradable! Leave nothing behind (including your tents) and take reusable water bottles and coffee cups.

6. 50-wear challenge! Wear everything you own at least 50 times before buying something new, and hold clothes swap and up cycling parties/events with your friends.

7. Green gifting: Make an effort to de-clutter your life and others’ lives by gifting green. Buy someone a tree through a charity, or adopt an animal. Michaela says: ‘For my 50th a few years ago I got everyone to buy a tree through a charity… My son Ollie gets a different adopted wild animal every year for Christmas.’

8. Travel, plant, play, repeat: If you’re travelling within Europe, use trains where possible. If you’re going across seas or have to fly, offset your carbon footprint through charities such as The World Land’s Trust.

9. Practice eco-fresco dining: Research the best sustainable brands and make sure all your picnics and BBQs are filled with them.

10. Knowledge is power: Watch documentaries, read up on studies and advice and talk to friends and family on what actions they take. We can all make better choices by learning.

Click here to find a green energy supplier, an eco cleaning range and clean personal care products to help you switch to a cleaner lifestyle.

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