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Wild animals in circuses

Leading animal groups call on Theresa May to ban wild animals from circuses
Circus animal ban

A coalition of leading animal organisations – including PETA, the RSCPA and the Born Free Foundation – has sent an urgent letter calling on Prime Minister Theresa May to bring forward legislation to ban wild animals from travelling circuses.

As PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that ‘animals are not ours to use for entertainment’ – notes in the letter, David Cameron promised to prohibit the practice by January 2015 but failed to do so, despite the fact that 94% of respondents to a government consultation support a complete ban.

‘[C]ircuses can never adequately provide for the unique physical, social, and psychological needs of any species of wild animals. Every day that this legislation is delayed is another one of misery for animals… The UK, a nation that prides itself on high animal-welfare standards, is now lagging woefully behind.’

Animal charities’ letter to Theresa May

Wild animals in circuses spend their lives confined to cages or boxcars when they’re not being bullied into performing tricks. They commonly endure abusive treatment and are denied the opportunity to engage in any natural behaviour.

They also frequently display aberrant behaviour and suffer from chronic health problems and psychological disorders – and many die prematurely.

By implementing the legislation, England would join Austria, Belgium, Finland, Mexico, the Netherlands, and many other countries in prohibiting wild-animal circus acts.

Click here to find out more about PETA and its work to defend animal rights.

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