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A UK first for recovering recyclables

‘arguably the most advanced and environmentally friendly landfill diversion’ coming to North Wales
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
A UK first for recovering recyclables

£50m worth of investment is coming to the North West region in the shape of a new waste management plant that is set to deliver up to two megawatts of green energy from 182,000 tonnes of rubbish per year.

The new plant will be built on land at Deeside Industrial Estate in the Flintshire Enterprise Zone. Logik Strategic Land will deliver the biogas facility on the former Gaz De France power station.

The plant will bring more than £50m of investment to North Wales, creating substantial employment throughout the construction period and its subsequent operation.

First of its kind in Europe

Dave Green of Logik said the plant will also deliver ‘arguably the most advanced and environmentally friendly landfill diversion to date through a process that diverts more than 85% of our black bin waste into recyclables and recoverables’, supporting Wales in its zero to waste targets.

The process captures an extra 6,000 tonnes per year of valuable recyclables that by any other process would be missed. These are recyclables that are put into black bin bags by mistake and they are hard to obtain normally.

Dave Green added that Logik is ‘proud to have this advanced process showcased here in North Wales and for the first time ever outside of Israel, attracting a global audience.’

Capturing recyclables

The technical process that will be used at the plant is known as ArrowBio, a unique technology that successfully treats municipal solid waste (MSW) using a hydromechanical separation and preparation process to recover recyclables.

It uses water and mechanical equipment to separate the organic fraction, produce high methane (CH4) content biogas for several green energy uses and recycle up to 70%-80% of the waste.

By-products such as various plastics, cardboard, wood and metals are suitable for recycling, and some of them also for RDF (Refuse-Derived Fuel) treatment. At the end of the anaerobic process, the organic remains are used as soil improver for agriculture as well as for bio-drying systems.

National consultancy Pegasus Group secured the permission from Flintshire County Council on behalf of Logik Strategic Land. Neil Culkin, a regional director based in Pegasus Group’s Liverpool office, said the proposal ‘represents the first UK site utilising this concept’, and added that Pegasus Group is ‘pleased to be involved in such an innovative scheme.’

Click here to find out more about the fungi that can recycle rechargeable batteries.

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