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Doughnut Economics

The formidable Kate Raworth and and Juliet Davenport join forces to discuss the future of business
Doughnut Economics

Kate Raworth, author of internationally acclaimed book Doughnut Economics: Seven ways to think like a 21st century economist and Juliet Davenport, CEO of Good Energy will share the stage at a one-day conference on Friday 19 July at Hawkwood.

‘If humanity’s challenge in the 21st century is to meet the needs of all people within the means of the planet, what does this mean for the future of business?’, asks Kate Raworth.

The ‘doughnut’ represents a new way to frame the interrelated aspects in a generative, playful way. ‘Through examples of companies big and small, we will dive into the importance of the design of business itself for achieving the transformations that our economies need’, Kate continues.

Ending endless growth

In the 20th century, modern society started chasing the false goal of economic growth. It has pushed many societies into deep inequalities and is driving ecological collapse.

This century calls for a new goal: meeting the needs for all within planetary means.

What we do to this Earth in the next 12 years will shape the next ten thousand, so let’s replace that last century goal of endless growth with the goal of thriving in balance. In other words, it is time to get into the doughnut – the sweet spot for humanity.

Kate Raworth’s concept of Doughnut Economics has been widely influential amongst sustainable development thinkers, progressive businesses and political activists, and she has presented it to audiences ranging from the UN General
Assembly to the Occupy movement.

Kate Raworth will present the concept of Doughnut Economics and Juliet Davenport, founder of Good Energy, will reveal how she runs her company in line with these values.

Event details

Fri 19 Jul, 09.00-14.30
Hawkwood, Painswick Old Road, Stroud, GL6 7QW

Organisations bringing a team will receive a £20 discount on each ticket. Use the code DOUGHNUT-21 during check out to claim your discount.

Click here to find out more or to register.

Seed Festival

Doughnut Economics is a pre-Seed Festival event. Hawkwood’s Seed Festival (19-21 July) in Stroud celebrates courageous climate leadership, creative expression and innovation in partnership with our natural world.

It hosts climate leaders, change-makers, speakers, activists, musicians, poets, connectors, facilitators, film-makers, artists and more.

Future-thinking speakers include BBC Springwatch’s Gillian Burke, Good Energy’s CEO Juliet Davenport, Triodos Bank’s Kit Beazley, Jon Young (USA) 8 Shields, Soil Association’s Helen Browning with her new book PIG, RSA’s Matthew Taylor, C40 cities’ Rachel Huxley, Permaculture Legend Maddy Harland, Empathy Museum founder Roman Krznaric, Embercombe’s Mac Macartney, Julie’s Bicycle founder Alison Tickell, CEO of Friends of the Earth Craig Bennett, Extinction Rebellion co-founder Dr Gail Bradbrook and Rob Hopkins from Transition Network.

Performing artists are also a key part of the festival with Drew Dellinger (USA), Mal Webb and Kyle Morrigan (AUS), Nigel Shaw, Carrie Tree, Murray Kyle (AUS), The Fox and The Owl, Matt Harvey, Natalie Fee & Angus Brel, Lewis Barfoot and many more.

Click here to find out more about the event or to register.

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