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Finding natural products

NATRUE’s revamped website makes it easier to find certified natural and organic products
Finding natural and organic products just got easier

NATRUE, the international Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association and certification standard, has unveiled a new website that makes it easier to find and check certified natural and organic products.

Search by country or category

The directory of NATRUE-certified products now has clearer functionality, enabling consumers to easily search for particular products or categories, or to check if a product’s certification level as:

  • Certified natural product
  • Natural product with organic portion (over 70% organic ingredients)
  • Certified organic product (over 95% organic ingredients)

A new feature with an interactive world map highlights the brands and certified products relevant to a certain country.

The number of NATRUE Label Users continues to grow as the market for natural and organic cosmetics expands.

NATRUE is present in more than 30 countries globally, with more than 270 certified brands and over 30 new brands in the pipeline.

As of April 2019, the NATRUE seal appeared on more than 6,200 certified natural and organic cosmetic products, and over 270 raw materials.

Growth in new markets

Over the past year the NATRUE label continued developing, with over 11% growth recorded in 2018.

While most of NATRUE’s certified Label Users are located in Europe (90%), mirroring the historically matured markets for certified products, the NATRUE Label is today also present and expanding in fast-growing markets such as New Zealand, Asia and the USA, where consumer interest in certification has increased. This is partly due to unwelcome greenwashing and partly due to consumer concern over certain synthetic ingredients.

How to get certified

Through a series of infographics, a new section offers both manufacturers and consumers details of NATRUE’s work behind the scenes and all that NATRUE stands for.

It’s also now much easier to download factsheets and positional papers on a variety of topics related to the NATRUE Standard.

To facilitate the certification process for companies, two new certification guides have been created to guide the producer through the certification procedure.

A new timeline sets out all the milestones in NATRUE’s history to provide a more comprehensive view of NATRUE’s achievements.

Click here to find out more about NATRUE and its certified natural and organic products

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