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Get in the sun

Dr Mariano Spiezia MD on chakras, diets and wrinkle-free bronzing.

In the Indian and yogic traditions, the sun is associated with the third chakra or energetic wheel positioned at the stomach level, the area that corresponds to the internal nerve plexus – rightly termed ‘solar’. From this chakra, yellow in colour, radiates the vital energy and creative power of the human being. It is interesting to note the similar characteristics and functions of the inner and external suns.

Most cosmic rays and some solar rays directed at the Earth are filtered through the stratosphere (in particular the ozonosphere). Only 1% of those solar rays (UVA and UVB) can pass this natural barrier.

inlight-1Solar light and UV rays stimulate many beneficial functions in our bodies, such as the production of serotonin (the ‘hormone of happiness’) and vitamin D in its active form D3, which influences the absorption of calcium. The sun and its rays also influence our circadian rhythms of sleep, help keep the skin infection-free and indirectly benefit the immune system.

The sun also stimulates circulation, promotes the formation of red blood cells (haemopoyesis), improves physical and mental performance and helps remove internal waste through increased perspiration (the emunctory effect).

As a result, the sun is a very good friend of our health. However, UVA and UVB rays can damage our skin; in summer, the rotation of the terrestrial axis causes a greater vertical incidence of the sun’s rays – an astronomical change that increases their penetration and thermic effect. The skin is therefore more vulnerable and prone to inflammatory reactions and localised stress, such as erythema and solar burns, during this time.

UVA and UVB rays, in different ways, stimulate the production of melatonin, the dark pigment produced by the melanocytes in the skin cells in order to protect the skin. However, excessive exposure can cause burns and premature ageing – and can even alter our DNA. This can ultimately lead to skin cancer (melanoma).

To make the most of the sun’s beneficial effects and avoid its potential risks takes a little bit of careful planning. Expose your skin to the sun only gradually, starting with just few minutes, and avoid the middle hours of the day when the sun is at maximum height (zenith). Cover your body with light cotton, preferably white, and cover your head with a light hat to avoid overheating the meninx and causing congestion and possible headaches.

Diet also plays an important role in the prevention of ‘sun side-effects’: it is very important to drink enough fresh, not cold, water (at least three litres per day, depending on levels of perspiration), and fruit juices to counteract the loss of minerals, particularly potassium. Herbal teas such as peppermint, or ordinary tea with lemon, are recommended for their ability to counteract vasodilation, which may lead to tiredness or fatigue.

Your diet should be light and rich in fresh, seasonal vegetables such as cucumber, courgettes, lettuce, peppers, rocket, spring onions and green beans – preferably eaten raw with fresh herbs. Lots of fresh fruit should be eaten, especially watermelon for its high mineral salts and water content. Peaches, apricots, figs, strawberries, cherries and blueberries are also good options. Avoid fatty foods like red or cured meat, fried food, alcohol and carbohydrates, particularly during the hottest part of the day when digestion is more sluggish and calories more easily taken on.

A good preparation for sun exposure (and to get a lovely suntan, too!) is to drink a daily glass of fresh carrot juice (high in beta-carotene) with a teaspoon of linseed oil (rich in omega-3).

The sun and its UV rays, salt from the sea, wind, excessive sweat, the tendency to stay up late at night and sleep less all contribute to increasing the oxidation and ageing of the skin in summer. Over-exposure to the sun also encourages us to squint, increasing lines around the eyes, so sunglasses with UV protection are recommended.

The artisan, luxe and 100% organic Inlight range contains skin-loving botanical extracts that are perfect for summer. The organic oils offer vital nourishing and anti-oxidant components such as ceramides, polyphenols, essential fatty acids and vitamins E and A, which counteract the effects of the elements and UV rays and help to restore the skin’s elasticity and softness. Each product is hand-crafted and bathed in the light and energy of Cornwall. Water-free, these products are super-concentrated; the alchemic synthesis of potent natural elements with subtle forces recreates the unity of life.

Dr Mariano Spiezia is Scientific Director and formulator at Cemon Homeopathics. For more information on Dr Spiezia and the alchemical processes behind his Inlight products, visit

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