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Global climate strike 2020

Fridays for Future announces date for first global climate strike since Covid-19
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
Global climate strike 2020

The school strike movement Fridays For Future has called for a global climate action day this autumn. On 25 September, demonstrations will take place around the world, all adjusted according to Covid-19 circumstances.

Over the last few months, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced activists to abandon marches and find new ways to protest and use digital activism to demand climate action. 25 September will be the first global action day of the year.

‘The pandemic has shown us that politicians have the power to act quickly and consistent with the best available science. But not even amid a pandemic is the climate crisis on hold.

‘No measures have been taken to lower worldwide greenhouse gas emissions in a sustainable and just manner. The billion-dollar-investments that are now made to tackle the pandemic and its aftermath must be in line with the Paris Agreement.’

Fridays For Future Kenya

We need to act now

The coming months and years will be crucial in ensuring a safe pathway below 1.5 °C increase in global mean temperature, a target stated in the Paris Agreement.

If we are to minimise the risks of triggering irreversible chain reactions beyond human control, we need to act now.

It is therefore vital that the climate crisis doesn’t get forgotten in the shadow of the coronavirus but is regarded as the utmost priority.

‘To actually experience the climate crisis makes you understand the urgency of the situation. Millions are losing their homes and livelihoods, this can no longer exist in a vacuum. We need world leaders to prioritise humanity over greed. The youth are going to come together, over and over again – each time more strategic and united than ever before.’

Fridays For Future India

Fridays For Future has said it ‘will keep protesting as long as the exploitation of nature is allowed to continue’.

The form of protest will be adjusted according to local Covid-19 conditions. In places where physical action will be taking place, participants will be asked to take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. In cases where physical protest is inappropriate, digital action will be used. 

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