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Grow Your Own Forest

Help cool our world and join the movement to make giving back to nature a new normal
Katie Hill - Editor-in-Chief, My Green Pod
TreeSisters partners planting in Nepal, ©EdenReforestation

Main image: TreeSisters planting partners in Nepal, ©EdenReforestation

Over 11,000 scientists have released a stark warning that ‘planet Earth is facing a climate emergency’ – and that an ‘immense increase’ in efforts is needed to combat the climate crisis.

The critical steps recommended by the collective of scientists to prevent climate meltdown – as published in the journal Bioscience on 05 November – include increasing reforestation ‘at enormous scales’.

Their statement echoes a widely endorsed report published in the journal Science in July, affirming wide-scale global reforestation as the most effective way to tackle the climate crisis.

How to take direct action

A new, digital Grow Your Own Forest campaign, to be launched by global, women-led reforestation charity TreeSisters on Wednesday 20 November, is a powerful call to the general public to recognise their capacity and responsibility to help restore the tropical forest belt that is so crucial for planetary cooling.

This is a simple way for people all around the world to take direct action to mitigate climate change.

‘We are all warming our world and watching climate chaos unfold as if we are helpless, and we’re not. If we stop waiting for governments to act appropriately and take matters into our own hands, we can collectively reforest our planet fast enough to make a significant difference.’

Founding CEO of TreeSisters

When you Grow Your Own Forest with TreeSisters, you’re making a powerful choice to restore groundwater, protect endangered species, reduce poverty and sequester carbon to help cool our world.

You’ll be restoring forest in Kenya, Cameroon, Brazil, Mozambique, Madagascar, India and Nepal.

Making this choice values the children of every species and the climate they will inherit. It says ‘I care’.

When you donate to TreeSisters, its system converts your donations into numbers of trees planted, so you can track the scale of your impact whilst discovering fascinating facts about the projects you’re supporting.

When you share your forest on social media, your friends can donate too and help grow your forest, extending your impact. Just set up your account and watch your forest grow.

Transforming human culture

In a world finally waking up to climate emergency, TreeSisters wants to help create a transformation within human culture, where ecological restoration becomes as fundamental to every human life as consumption currently is.

‘When you join Grow Your Own Forest, you are helping to create a new normal. Whether you’re a family, a community, an organisation or a business, you can give back to Nature and create a living legacy, starting right now. We should be looking back 10 years from now, astonished at what we achieved together and marvelling at the fact that it was ever normal to take from Nature without giving back!’

Founding CEO of TreeSisters

In response to devastating fires and forest destruction, TreeSisters is now funding a food forest project in the Amazon, supporting the Ashaninka tribe to maintain their economy and traditional way of life.

Another project in Mozambique, assisting the restoration of decimated mangrove forests, will also sustain indigenous fishing communities and protect threatened ecosystems.

A feminine response

TreeSisters is a feminine response to climate change. Instead of looking to technology to sequester excess atmospheric carbon; it restores and regenerates the mechanisms Nature herself created to do the job perfectly: forests.

‘The work of TreeSisters is one of, if not the most, significant initiatives that can be undertaken by humankind to address the future of civilisation. The world’s greatest land-based stores of carbon reside between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn in the form of forests. Their restoration is critical to reverse climate change and create a humane and livable future. Can women accomplish something that has failed governments and agencies for decades? I not only think so – I believe it may be the only way it can be accomplished.’

Author of Blessed Unrest and Project Drawdown

Empowering a global network of women, the UK-based charity has to date funded over 6.5 million trees through its projects.

TreeSisters is aiming for a million trees a month by the end of 2020 as the next step on its path to plant 1 billion trees annually through monthly, one-time and partnership donations.

Click here for more information and to join the TreeSisters ‘Grow Your Own Forest’ campaign.

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