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Make every drop count

Water UK and Waterwise launch Water’s Worth Saving campaign, with tips on how to save water at home
Make every drop count

Last year water companies saw a dramatic increase in household water usage – in some cases 25% above normal – as more people stayed at home during the pandemic.

This summer a surge in ‘staycations’ is expected as restrictions ease, and with many people continuing to work from home, water usage is again likely to be higher than normal. All this means that saving water has never been more important.

‘Last summer was the driest ever in many parts of the UK, with the highest water use. It’s so important that we make the water we do have go round at home and in the garden if we’re lucky enough to have one – and as the UK opens up again, on holiday, at friends’ houses, at the gym, at school, at work.

‘You name it, we use water there, and water’s worth saving, I’m pledging to save water in my garden this summer – I won’t be washing my car or using a hosepipe, and if my grass goes brown, I can be proud that I’m saving water. Water’s worth saving not only for rivers, lakes, streams and wildlife, but also for people, to make sure we all have what we need.’

Waterwise managing director

Changing habits

Water UK has joined forces with water efficiency experts Waterwise to launch the 2021 Water’s Worth Saving campaign. The campaign will encourage everyone to ‘make every drop count’ this summer.

Running from May until September, Water’s Worth Saving will show why saving water matters,. The campaign will offer practical  water-saving advice that will help to change habits of a lifetime.

The goal is to change the way we use water, helping us to act fast and do more to save more.

‘Clean, fresh water is a precious resource, so making small changes to our everyday routines at home, on holiday or in the garden can make a big difference to our water supplies. 
‘Our simple hints and tips, such as shorter showers, ensuring dishwashers are full, and using watering cans instead of a garden hose, are easy things we can all do to help conserve water and protect the environment. 
‘We’re urging everyone to make every drop count because water is worth saving today, tomorrow and for the future.’

Water UK chief executive

Water-saving tips

Everyone can start making a difference by following some simple hints and tips to save water, such as: 

Turn off the tap: Don’t let taps run when brushing your teeth – turn them off

Don’t wash your car: Save yourself a chore and proudly let your car stay dirty

Save paddling pool water: Top up and reuse paddling pool water for your plants and grass

Take shorter showers: Knocking a minute or two off to take shorter 4-minute showers

Let nature water your grass: Allow lawns go brown – it will soon go green again when it rains

Put down the garden hose: Use watering cans for lawns, plants and flower beds, instead of garden hoses

‘Hotter and drier summers, alongside population growth, mean that we run the very real risk of water shortages by 2050 unless we all do more. That must be a joint effort from government, regulators and businesses, but every individual can also make a difference. 

‘The people in England use an average of 140 litres of water a day, higher than many other countries. We can and must do more to use water more efficiently and achieve the 110 litres per day agreed in our national framework for water resources last year.

‘Changing some of our daily habits – whether it’s turning off taps, getting a water butt for the garden, or only using your washing machine when it’s full – will play a critical part in protecting our water resources for future generations.’

Environment Agency chief executive

The Water’s Worth Saving campaign will provide lots of great information to help people learn more about how to save water around the house and why making small changes can make a big difference to the environment, as well as information from water companies across the United Kingdom.

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